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EZANIBRS Easy Access to NIBRS Victims, 2016


Disclaimer [back to top]

This data analysis application was prepared by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ), the research division of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and was supported by a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

The information contained in this application does not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice. The information generated by this application is not sanctioned by the FBI, nor has the FBI reviewed or approved the data conversion, imputation, or estimation procedures utilized in this package.

This application is copyrighted, and all rights are reserved, by NCJJ. NCJJ assumes no liability for any alleged or actual damages arising from use of this application.

Questions about Easy Access to NIBRS: Victims of Domestic Violence [back to top]

Any comments or questions about EZANIBRSDV should be directed to:

National Center for Juvenile Justice [email]
3700 South Water Street, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

412-227-6950 (voice)
412-227-6955 (fax)

Request for Products [back to top]

The National Center for Juvenile Justice would like to maintain a record of all publications using output from this application so that they can be shared with interested individuals and so that they can be reviewed to improve the application in subsequent releases. Send copies of all publications or any comments/questions you may have about this application to:

Melissa Sickmund, Ph.D. [email]
Chief of Systems Research
3700 South Water Street, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

412-227-6950 (voice)
412-227-6955 (fax)

Acknowledgement [back to top]

NCJJ would like to acknowledge the contributions of our computer programmers for their work on the data used in Easy Access to NIBRS: Victims of Domestic Violence:

Jason Smith
William Tressler

The following individuals are no longer with NCJJ, but we acknowledge their contributions, as long time staff members, to the development of this application and the data used in Easy Access to NIBRS: Victims of Domestic Violence:

Howard N. Snyder, Ph.D. [former Project Director]
Terrence A. Finnegan [former Senior Computer Programmer]