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Cuyahoga County, Oh User Guide 1981 – 2000

either click on the variable name or the down arrow to see the code list

(4818) · Cuyahoga
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
(1968) · 1968
(1969) · 1969
(1970) · 1970
(1971) · 1971
(1972) · 1972
(1973) · 1973
(1974) · 1974
(1975) · 1975
(1976) · 1976
(1977) · 1977
(1978) · 1978
(1979) · 1979
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
(1954) · 1954
(1955) · 1955
(1956) · 1956
(1957) · 1957
(1958) · 1958
(1959) · 1959
(1960) · 1960
(1961) · 1961
(1962) · 1962
(1963) · 1963
(1964) · 1964
(1965) · 1965
(1966) · 1966
(1967) · 1967
(1968) · 1968
(1969) · 1969
(1970) · 1970
(1971) · 1971
(1972) · 1972
(1973) · 1973
(1974) · 1974
(1975) · 1975
(1976) · 1976
(1977) · 1977
(1978) · 1978
(1979) · 1979
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(21) · Twenty-one
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(21) · Twenty-one
(A) · Asian
(B) · Black
(H) · Hispanic
(I) · American indian, eskimo
(W) · White
(F) · Female
(M) · Male
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
(CL) · Closed
(OP) · Open
(RO) · Re-open
Code list is not available
(B) · Bypass
(O) · Official
(U) · Unofficial
(ABM) · Furn alcohol beverage to minor
(ABU) · Abuse
(ASC) · Order for support-custody
(CDY) · Contribute to dependency
(CIV) · Courtesy investigation
(CNT) · Contribute to neglect
(CON) · Contempt of court
(CRT) · Certifications
(CRU) · Contribute to unruliness
(CSV) · Courtesy supervision
(CTD) · Contribute to delinquent
(CUS) · App to determine custody
(CVR) · Consent for voluntary return
(DEL) · Delinquency
(DEP) · Dependency
(END) · Endangering children
(INT) · Interfering with custody
(MAR) · App consent to marry
(MHC) · Motion to change custody
(MMC) · Motion to modify custody
(MMS) · Motion to modify support
(MOT) · Motion
(MPC) · Motion for permanent custody
(MRC) · Motion to review custody
(MRR) · Objection to ref report
(MRS) · Motion to review support
(MSC) · Motion to show cause
(MTC) · Motion to terminate custody
(NEG) · Neglect
(NSD) · Non-support
(NSS) · Non-support
(OCP) · Objection to cr plan
(OER) · ODYS early release
(OPP) · Oyds placement plan
(OPR) · ODYS revocation hearing
(PAT) · Paternity
(PCR) · Parent-child relationship
(PFC) · Appl for fingerprint-photo
(PRV) · Probation violation
(REV) · Review of court order
(ROA) · ODYS request-order-appreh
(SDH) · Stat dedutions hearing
(SUR) · Appl for permanent surrender
(TCD) · Tend to cause delinquency
(TCU) · Tend to cause unruliness
(TMO) · Traffic motion
(TRA) · Traffic
(UNR) · Unruly
(VAC) · Voluntary acc of custody
(VCA) · Viol compulsory att law
(VCO) · Violation of court order
(VIS) · Appl for visitation right
(WHC) · Write of habeas corpus
(XCO) · Prob viol on unruly case
(XXX) · No complaint
(ABM) · Alcoholic bev to minor
(ABU) · Abuse
(APS) · Appeal decision sup
(ARS) · Arson
(ASC) · Order for support and custody
(AST) · Assault
(BEV) · Bike equipment violation
(BRI) · Bribery-intimidation
(BUR) · Burglary
(CAC) · Conspiracy att complicity
(CDY) · Contributing-dependency
(CIV) · Courtesy investigation
(CNT) · Contributing-neglect
(COM) · Compounding
(CON) · Contempt of court
(CRT) · Certifications
(CRU) · Contributing-unruly
(CSV) · Courtesy-supervision
(CTD) · Contributing-delinquency
(CUS) · App-determine custody
(CVR) · Consent for voluntary return
(DEP) · Dependency
(DER) · Deport
(DIS) · Disorderly conduct
(DRU) · Drugs
(DUP) · Duplicate filing
(DVC) · Violation court order-delinquency
(END) · Endangering children
(ENI) · Ethnic intimidation
(ERR) · Oyds release revocation
(EXT) · Extortion
(FAA) · False alarms
(FAM) · Domestic violence
(FCR) · Civil rights violation
(FOR) · Forgery
(FRA) · Fraud
(FTC) · Failure to control
(GAM) · Gambling
(HAR) · Harassment
(HOM) · Homicide
(IME) · Improper mot equip
(INB) · Inproper backing
(INC) · Incorrigibility
(INT) · Interference-custody
(KID) · Kidnapping
(LAD) · Assured clear distance
(LAP) · Aluding police
(LAT) · Auto theft
(LCE) · Curfew
(LDC) · Disorderly conduct
(LDI) · Driving under influence
(LDR) · Drag racing
(LDV) · Drug violation
(LFC) · Following too closely
(LFE) · Faulty equipment
(LFP) · Fictitious plates
(LFS) · Leave, fleeing, scene
(LFW) · Fireworks
(LIN) · Incorrigibility
(LIP) · Injury to person
(LIQ) · Liquor
(LJW) · Jay walking
(LLO) · Liquor offense
(LLS) · License under suspension
(LLU) · Improper lane usage
(LNL) · No driver's license
(LOC) · Left of center
(LOS) · One way street
(LOT) · Other
(LPC) · Physical control
(LPO) · Property offense
(LPT) · Prohibited turn
(LRD) · Reckless driving
(LRL) · Red light
(LSH) · Shoplifting
(LSM) · School misconduct
(LSP) · Speeding
(LSS) · Stop sign
(LST) · Squealing tires
(LSX) · Sex offense
(LTD) · Other
(LTH) · Other
(LTP) · Temporary permit-no license
(LTR) · Auto trespass
(LVP) · Viol-park hours
(LWC) · Weapons control
(LYP) · Failure yield-pedestrian
(LYV) · Failure yield-vehicle
(MAR) · App-consent to marry
(MCC) · Misuse-credit cards
(MDJ) · Default judgement
(MEN) · Menacing
(MHC) · Motion-change custody
(MMC) · Motion-modify custody
(MMS) · Motion-modify support
(MOT) · Motion
(MPC) · Motion-permanent custody
(MRC) · Motion-review custody
(MRR) · Objection to ref report
(MRS) · Motion-review support
(MSC) · Motion-show cause
(MTC) · Motion-terminate custody
(NBL) · No bike license
(NEG) · Neglect
(NLP) · No license plate
(NML) · No motorcycle license
(NSB) · No seatbelt
(NSD) · Non-support
(NSS) · Non-support
(OBE) · Obstruction-escape
(OBS) · Obscenity
(OCP) · Objection to cr plan
(OER) · Oyds early release
(OPP) · Oyds placement plan
(OPR) · Oyds revocation hearing
(OTD) · Other
(OTH) · Other
(OTU) · Other
(PAT) · Paternity
(PBC) · Passing bad checks
(PCR) · Compl to est par-ch-rel
(PER) · Perjury
(PFC) · App-fingerprints, photo
(POW) · Purpose of way
(PRC) · Permanent custody review
(PRS) · Prostitution
(PRV) · Probation violation
(PUP) · Public peace
(REV) · Review court order
(RIO) · Riot / inciting
(ROA) · Reqest-order of appr.
(ROB) · Robbery
(RSP) · Receiving stolen property
(RUN) · Runaway
(SAF) · Safecracking
(SDH) · Stat deduction hearing
(SEX) · Sexual assault
(SUR) · App-permanent surrender
(TCD) · Tend-cause delinquency
(TCR) · Temorary custody review
(TCU) · Tend-cause unruliness
(THT) · Theft
(TMO) · Traffic motion
(TRC) · Motion
(TRE) · Trespass
(TRU) · Truancy
(TVO) · Traffic violation court order
(VAC) · Voluntary agreement
(VAN) · Vandalism-crim-damaging
(VCA) · Viol compulsory att law
(VCO) · Violation-court order
(VIS) · App-visitation rights
(WEC) · Weapons control
(WHC) · Writ-habeas corpus
(WRS) · Without regard to safety
(XCO) · Probation violation
(XXX) · No complaint
(CBE) · Cleveland board of education
(CCP) · Cuyahoga county pros
(CFS) · Cath-fam and child services
(CIT) · Citizen
(CPD) · Cleveland police department
(DCC) · Department of liquor control
(FDP) · Fire department
(HOS) · Hospital
(JVS) · Juvenile court support dept
(MAN) · Man
(MAP) · Model alternative program
(NRP) · Not reported
(OBE) · Other city school board of education
(OCT) · Other courts
(OJC) · Other juvenile courts
(OPD) · Other police [st-priv]
(OTH) · Other sources
(PAR) · Parent-relative
(POL) · Police department
(PRO) · Probation officer
(RSD) · Railroad security officer
(SCA) · Children's services
(SJA) · Jewish children's bureau
(SLA) · Lutheran child aid soc
(SPA) · Ccwpa
(SPD) · Suburb police department
(STS) · Security store
(SUP) · Supervisor
(SWA) · Ccwdss
(WOM) · Woman
(YDC) · Youth development centers
(YDS) · Ohio dept of youth services
Code list is not available
(    ) · No Entry
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
Code list is not available
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(21) · Twenty-one
Code list is not available
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(16) · Sixteen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(    ) · No Entry
(0001) · Gross sexual imposition
(0002) · Gross sexual imposition
(0003) · Gross sexual imposition
(0004) · Sexual imposition
(0005) · Sexual imposition
(0006) · Sexual imposition
(0007) · Importuning
(0008) · Importuning
(0009) · Voyeurism
(0010) · Public indecency
(0011) · Public indecency
(0012) · Felonious sex penetration
(0013) · Felonious sexual penetration
(0014) · Felonious sexual penetration
(0015) · Compelling prostitution
(0016) · Promoting prostitution
(0017) · Promoting prostitution
(0018) · Procuring
(0019) · Soliciting prostitution
(0020) · Soliciting prostitution
(0021) · Prostitution
(0022) · Disseminating matter harmful to juvenile
(0023) · Disseminating matter harmful to juvenile
(0024) · Dissem harmful material to juveniles - obscenity
(0025) · Pandering obscenity
(0026) · Pandering obscenity, minor
(0027) · Pandering obscenity
(0028) · Deception to obtain harmful matter
(0029) · Compelling acceptance of object material
(0030) · Aggravated arson
(0031) · Aggravated arson
(0032) · Aggravated arson physical harm
(0033) · Arson
(0034) · Arson
(0035) · Arson
(0036) · Arson, misd, first deg
(0037) · Disruption public service
(0038) · Disrupting public service
(0039) · Disrupting public transportation
(0040) · Vandalism
(0041) · Vandalism occupied structure
(0042) · Vandalism bus. property
(0043) · Vandalism
(0044) · Vandalism damage tomb
(0045) · Vandalism b&e tomb
(0046) · Vandalism
(0047) · Criminal damage endangering, danger to property or person
(0048) · Criminal damaging or endangering, danger to property or person
(0049) · Criminal damage endangering, danger to property or person
(0050) · Criminal damaging or endangering, danger to property or person
(0051) · Criminal mischief
(0052) · Criminal mischief
(0053) · Criminal mischief
(0054) · Aggravated robbery
(0055) · Aggravated robbery
(0056) · Aggravated robbery
(0057) · Aggravated robbery
(0058) · Robbery
(0059) · Robbery
(0060) · Aggravated burglary
(0061) · Aggravated burglary
(0062) · Aggravated burglary
(0063) · Aggravated burglary
(0064) · Burglary
(0065) · Burglary
(0066) · Burglary / Trespassing
(0067) · Burglary / Trespassing
(0068) · Breaking and entering
(0069) · Breaking and entering unoccupied structure
(0070) · Trespass to commit felony
(0071) · Breaking and entering
(0072) · Criminal trespass
(0073) · Criminal trespass
(0074) · Criminal trespass
(0075) · Criminal trespass
(0076) · Safecracking
(0077) · Safecracking
(0078) · Tampering with coin machine
(0079) · Tampering with coin machine
(0080) · Theft
(0081) · Petty theft
(0082) · Grand theft
(0083) · Theft
(0084) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle
(0085) · Motor vehicle theft
(0086) · Motor vehicle theft
(0087) · Motor vehicle theft
(0088) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle, 48 hours
(0089) · Unauthorized use of property
(0090) · Unauthorized use of property
(0091) · Unauthorized use of computer
(0092) · Unauthorized use of property
(0093) · Passing bad checks
(0094) · Passing bad checks
(0095) · Pass bad checks
(0096) · Does not apply
(0097) · Undefined
(0098) · Auto theft
(0099) · Auto trespass
(0100) · Shoplifting, local ord.
(0101) · Property offenses
(0102) · Disorderly conduct
(0103) · Drug violations
(0104) · Hunting out of season, owning wild animals, violation wild animal rules
(0105) · Owning wild animals, violation wild animal rules
(0106) · Polluting state land or water
(0107) · Destroy wild bird, Fish and game
(0108) · Destroy wild bird, quadrupd
(0109) · Kill non game bird
(0110) · Jacklighting
(0111) · Hunting without permission
(0112) · Injury by hunter
(0113) · Fishing without a license
(0114) · Illegal taking of fish
(0115) · Parks or recreation rules
(0116) · Violation of park regulation
(0117) · Water-skiing outside ski zone
(0118) · Sale or promotion of inflatable watercraft
(0119) · Liquor offenses
(0120) · Curfew
(0121) · Incorrigibility
(0122) · Sex offenses
(0123) · Injury to person
(0124) · Other [local]
(0125) · Delinquent
(0126) · Juvenile traffic offense
(0127) · Unruly
(0128) · Unruly, habitually disobedient
(0129) · Truant, habitually disobedient
(0130) · Endanger health and morals of a child
(0131) · Marriage without consent, unruly unspecified
(0132) · Found disreputable place, no existent subsections
(0133) · Occupation prohibited law, no existent subsections
(0134) · Violation child law, no existent subsections
(0135) · Delinquent
(0136) · Violation of court order
(0137) · Abused
(0138) · Neglect
(0139) · Neglect, adequate medical care
(0140) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0141) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0142) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0143) · Dependency, neglect
(0144) · Dependency, neglect
(0145) · Dependency, neglect
(0146) · Dependency, neglect
(0147) · Probation violation
(0148) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0149) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0150) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0151) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0152) · JC authority: Apprehension, custody, detention
(0153) · Dispo abuse, neglected child, authority
(0154) · Dispo abuse, neglected child, authority
(0155) · Disposition of unruly child, authority
(0156) · Juv Court authority
(0157) · Support of child, defined
(0158) · Duration of dispositional order
(0159) · Duration of dispositional order
(0160) · Duration of dispositional order
(0161) · Duration of dispositional order
(0162) · Contributing to delinquency
(0163) · Tending to cause delinquency
(0164) · Contributing to delinquency
(0165) · Contributing to abuse
(0166) · Tending to cause unruliness
(0167) · Contributing to unruliness
(0168) · Contributing to dependency
(0169) · Contributing to neglect
(0170) · Fireworks, can not find
(0171) · Violation of park hours, can not find
(0172) · School misconduct, can not find
(0173) · Possession of deadly weapon on public property, can not find
(0174) · Possess weapons at or about public place, can not find
(0175) · Other [local, delinquency], can not find
(0176) · Contempt of court
(0177) · Contempt of court
(0178) · Violation of court order adult
(0179) · Misbehavior of an officer of the court
(0180) · Other [local]
(0181) · Aggravated murder
(0182) · Premeditated murder
(0183) · Felony murder
(0184) · Murder
(0185) · Murder
(0186) · Homicide
(0187) · Voluntary manslaughter
(0188) · Involuntary manslaughter
(0189) · Involuntary manslaughter from a felony
(0190) · Involuntary manslaughter from a misdemeanor
(0191) · Negligent homicide
(0192) · Negligent homicide
(0193) · Aggravated vehicular homicide
(0194) · Aggravated vehicular homicide
(0195) · Vehicular homicide
(0196) · Vehicular homicide
(0197) · Aggravated vehicular assault
(0198) · Felonious assault
(0199) · Felonious assault
(0200) · Felonious assault
(0201) · Felonious assault
(0202) · Aggravated assault
(0203) · Aggravated assault
(0204) · Assault
(0205) · Assault physical harm
(0206) · Assault reckless harm
(0207) · Assault
(0208) · Negligent assault
(0209) · Negligent assault
(0210) · Aggravated menacing
(0211) · Menacing by stalking
(0212) · Menacing by stalking
(0213) · Menacing
(0214) · Menacing
(0215) · Kidnapping
(0216) · Kidnap
(0217) · Kidnap & sexual activity against victim's will
(0218) · Kidnap victim in serious danger
(0219) · Abduction
(0220) · Abduction
(0221) · Abduction
(0222) · Unlawful restraint
(0223) · Unlawful restraint
(0224) · Child stealing
(0225) · Criminal child enticement
(0226) · Kidnap, criminal child enticement
(0227) · Extortion
(0228) · Extortion
(0229) · Extortion
(0230) · Coercion
(0231) · Rape
(0232) · Rape
(0233) · Rape
(0234) · Rape
(0235) · Sexual battery
(0236) · Unlawful sexual conduct of a minor
(0237) · Gross sexual imposition
(0238) · Gross sexual imposition
(0239) · Misuse of credit card
(0240) · Misuse of credit card
(0241) · Misuse of credit card
(0242) · Misuse of credit card
(0243) · Forgery
(0244) · Forgery
(0245) · Forgery
(0246) · Criminal simulation
(0247) · Making or using slugs
(0248) · Making or using slugs
(0249) · Making or using slugs
(0250) · Defrauding livery, hostelry
(0251) · Defrauding livery, hostelry
(0252) · Tampering with records
(0253) · Tampering with records, felony, fourth deg
(0254) · Fraud by falsify,...any writing, data, record
(0255) · Security writing by deception
(0256) · Impersonating an officer
(0257) · Defrauding creditors
(0258) · Insurance fraud
(0259) · Receiving stolen property
(0260) · Receiving stolen property
(0261) · Receiving stolen property
(0262) · Gambling
(0263) · Operating gambling house
(0264) · Public gambling
(0265) · Public gambling
(0266) · Permitting public gambling
(0267) · Cheating
(0268) · Corrupting sports
(0269) · Prohibited bingo operators
(0270) · Prohibited bingo operators
(0271) · Prohibited bingo operators
(0272) · Inciting to violence
(0273) · Aggravated riot
(0274) · Aggravated riot
(0275) · Aggravated riot
(0276) · Aggravated riot
(0277) · Riot
(0278) · Failure to disperse
(0279) · Disorderly conduct
(0280) · Disorderly conduct
(0281) · Disorderly conduct
(0282) · Disorderly conduct
(0283) · Disorderly conduct intoxicated
(0284) · Disorderly conduct
(0285) · Disturbing lawful meeting
(0286) · Misconduct at emergency
(0287) · Telephone harassment
(0288) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0289) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0290) · Inducing panic
(0291) · Inducing panic
(0292) · Making false alarms
(0293) · False warning
(0294) · False alarm
(0295) · False alarms
(0296) · False alarm, emerg. org.
(0297) · False alarm, law enforc.
(0298) · Bigamy
(0299) · Consensual abortion
(0300) · Abortion manslaughter
(0301) · Abortion trafficking
(0302) · Nonsupport of dependents
(0303) · Nonsupport
(0304) · Nonsupport
(0305) · Endangering children
(0306) · Endangering children
(0307) · Endangering children
(0308) · Endangering children, abuse/torture
(0309) · Endangering children, abuse/torture
(0310) · Endangering children, abuse/torture
(0311) · Interference with custody
(0312) · Interfere with custody of child
(0313) · Contributing to delinquency
(0314) · Contributing to unruly
(0315) · Domestic violence
(0316) · Domestic violence, physical harm
(0317) · Attempt, cause physical harm to family member
(0318) · Domestic violence
(0319) · Domestic violence, reckless harm
(0320) · Threat of force to put fear in family member
(0321) · Domestic violence family member
(0322) · Bribery
(0323) · Bribing a public servant
(0324) · Soliciting, accepting bribe
(0325) · Bribing a witness
(0326) · Witness soliciting, accepting bribe
(0327) · Intimidation
(0328) · Intimidation
(0329) · Intimidation, felony, third deg
(0330) · Intimidation of attorney, victim, witness
(0331) · Intimidation of attorney, victim, witness
(0332) · Perjury
(0333) · Perjury
(0334) · Tampering with evidence
(0335) · Falsification
(0336) · Falsification
(0337) · Falsification - perjury
(0338) · Compounding a crime
(0339) · Compounding a crime
(0340) · Failure to report a crime
(0341) · Failure to report a crime
(0342) · Failure to report wounds
(0343) · Failure to report death
(0344) · Failure to supply facts requested
(0345) · Failure to assist officer
(0346) · Obstructing official business
(0347) · Obstructing official business
(0348) · Obstructing justice
(0349) · Obstructing justice
(0350) · Give false information to officers - obs of just
(0351) · Resisting arrest
(0352) · Failure to comply with order, fel, fourth deg
(0353) · Failure to comply with order, misd, first deg
(0354) · Resisting arrest
(0355) · Resisting arrest
(0356) · Escape
(0357) · Escape
(0358) · Escape
(0359) · Aiding escape or resistance
(0360) · Aiding escape of anyone confined
(0361) · Aiding escape while confined
(0362) · Conveying prohibited items
(0363) · Conveying weapons, drugs, liquor on mental health facilities
(0364) · Delivering weapons, drugs, liquor
(0365) · Theft in office
(0366) · Impersonating peace officer
(0367) · Conspiracy
(0368) · Conspiracy
(0369) · Attempt, conspiracy, complicity - attempt
(0370) · Attempt
(0371) · Attempt
(0372) · Attempt
(0373) · Misdemeanor - attempt
(0374) · Attempt 3rd degree misdemeanor
(0375) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0376) · Complicity
(0377) · Complicity
(0378) · Engaging in organized crime
(0379) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0380) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0381) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0382) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0383) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0384) · Carry concealed weapon
(0385) · Weapons while under disability
(0386) · Weapons while under disability
(0387) · Possession of a weapon under disability
(0388) · Possess/use weapons while intoxicated
(0389) · Handling firearm in vehicle
(0390) · Discharge firearm at/into habitation, school offenses
(0391) · Discharge firearm motor vehicle
(0392) · Trans. load firearm vehicle
(0393) · Improp. trans. firearm
(0394) · Unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance
(0395) · Unlawful manufacture of dangerous ordnance
(0396) · Failure to secure dangerous ordnance
(0397) · Unlawful transportation of weapons
(0398) · Sell firearm to prohibited person
(0399) · Unlawful trans in weapons
(0400) · Manufacturing, sale illegal weapons
(0401) · Failure to report trans dang ord
(0402) · Failure to report theft firearm
(0403) · Furnishing minor with firearms
(0404) · Possessing criminal tools
(0405) · Possessing criminal tools
(0406) · Possess criminal tools
(0407) · Possessing criminal tools
(0408) · Possess criminal tools
(0409) · Corrupting another with drugs
(0410) · Corrupting another with drugs
(0411) · Trafficking in drugs
(0412) · Trafficking in drugs
(0413) · Trafficking in drugs
(0414) · Trafficking in drugs
(0415) · Trafficking in drugs
(0416) · Trafficking in drugs
(0417) · Trafficking in drugs
(0418) · Trafficking in drugs
(0419) · Trafficking in drugs
(0420) · Aggra trafficking drugs
(0421) · Trafficking in drugs
(0422) · Trafficking in marijuana
(0423) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0424) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0425) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0426) · Drug possess minor amount
(0427) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0428) · Drug abuse, I or II substance
(0429) · Drug abuse, III, IV, or V substance
(0430) · Drug possession, marijuana
(0431) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0432) · Possession of drug abuse instrument
(0433) · Possessing drug abuse instruments
(0434) · Permitting drug abuse
(0435) · Permitting drug abuse, vehicle
(0436) · Permitting drug abuse, premises
(0437) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0438) · Use, possess, or sale of drug paraphernalia
(0439) · Theft of drugs
(0440) · Theft of drugs without force
(0441) · Theft of drugs with force
(0442) · Theft of drugs, deadly weapon
(0443) · Deception to obtain dangerous drug
(0444) · Obtain dangerous drug, deception
(0445) · Illegal proc of drug document
(0446) · False statement drug document
(0447) · Forgery of drug document
(0448) · Theft of drug document
(0449) · Forgery of label dangerous drug
(0450) · Abuse of harmful intoxicant
(0451) · Abusing harmful intoxicant
(0452) · Abusing harmful intoxicant
(0453) · Trafficking in harmful intoxicants
(0454) · Illegal dispensing drugs/ samples
(0455) · Possession of counterfeit drugs
(0456) · Make, sell, offer counterfeit controlled substance
(0457) · Make, sell, offer counterfeit controlled substance, trademark
(0458) · Make, sell, offer counterfeit controlled substance to juvenile
(0459) · Misrepresent counter controlled substance for controlled substance
(0460) · Misrepresent counter controlled substance for controlled substance
(0461) · Abuse of a corpse
(0462) · Abuse of a corpse
(0463) · Abuse of a corpse
(0464) · Desecration
(0465) · Ethnic intimidation, misd, fourth deg
(0466) · Ethnic intimidation
(0467) · Contaminating substance for human consumption or use
(0468) · Spreading false report of contamination
(0469) · Petition for forfeiture
(0470) · Release on recognizance
(0471) · Marriage consent for juvenile
(0472) · Allocate parental rights
(0473) · Child Support
(0474) · Certification to juvenile court
(0475) · Application for visitation rights
(0476) · Paternity
(0477) · Parent child relationship
(0478) · Special proceedings
(0479) · Violation of compulsory attendance law
(0480) · Appeal school certificate
(0481) · Forfeiture, disposition of contr. subst by officer
(0482) · Sale or use of fireworks
(0483) · Dispose of garbage in public way
(0484) · Hunting near township park
(0485) · Discharge firearm over highway
(0486) · Discharge firearm over highway
(0487) · No smoking area
(0488) · No smoking area
(0489) · Trans. Scan with sell; admit to permit premises
(0490) · Possession of open intoxicating beverage
(0491) · Illegal purchase of liquor
(0492) · Prohibition, under 18 years old
(0493) · Prohibition, under 21 years old
(0494) · Misrepresentation by minor for alcoholic beverage
(0495) · Misrepresentation by minor
(0496) · Obtain liquor under 21 years old
(0497) · Misrepresentation for alcoholic beverage
(0498) · Consumption of intox. beverage in motor vehicle
(0499) · Sale of liquor to minor
(0500) · Allowing unlicensed person to drive
(0501) · Driving while intoxicated, drugs
(0502) · Placing injurious material on highway
(0503) · Possession or distribution of dangerous drug
(0504) · Possession or distribution of dangerous drug
(0505) · Possession or distribution of dangerous drug
(0506) · Possession or distribution of dangerous drug
(0507) · Climbing on railroad cars
(0508) · Speeding
(0509) · Other
(0510) · Public welfare
(0511) · Voluntary agreement
(0512) · Supervision of child released
(0513) · Duties of Child Service Agency
(0514) · Duties of Child Service Agency
(0515) · Stop sign
(0516) · Failure to yield pedestrian
(0517) · Failure to yield vehicle
(0518) · Prohibited turn
(0519) · Deface marker or monument
(0520) · Reckless driving
(0521) · Assured clear distance [traffic]
(0522) · Following too closely
(0523) · One way street
(0524) · Temporary permit - no driver's license
(0525) · Loitering for the purpose of drug activity
(0526) · No driver's license
(0527) · Faulty equipment [traffic]
(0528) · License under suspension
(0529) · Drag racing
(0530) · Fleeing the scene [traffic]
(0531) · Driving while under the influence
(0532) · Eluding police [traffic]
(0533) · Other [traffic]
(0534) · Physical control [traffic]
(0535) · Improper lane usage
(0536) · Traffic motions
(0537) · Local ordinance [other]
(0538) · Attempt, felony, 1st degree
(0539) · Complicity - 1st degree felony attempt
(0540) · Corr, another w drugs contr subs, fel, first deg
(0541) · Abuse drugs, cocaine, fel, first deg
(0542) · Attempt, fel, second deg
(0543) · Aggravated trafficking contr subs, second deg
(0544) · Abuse drugs, cocaine, fel, second deg
(0545) · Robbery, fel, third deg
(0546) · Theft
(0547) · Passing bad checks
(0548) · Misuse credit card
(0549) · Receiving stolen property
(0550) · Attempt, fel, third deg
(0551) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0552) · Aggravated trafficking contr subs, third deg
(0553) · Abuse drugs, cocaine, fel, third deg
(0554) · Robbery, fel, fourth deg
(0555) · Theft
(0556) · Unauthorized use of mv
(0557) · Passing back checks
(0558) · Misuse credit card
(0559) · Receiving stolen property
(0560) · Domestic violence, fel, fourth deg
(0561) · Attempt, fel, fourth deg
(0562) · Complicity - 4th degree felony attempt
(0563) · Possession of contr subs, fel, fourth deg
(0564) · Improper handling of firearms in mv
(0565) · Attempt aggravated trafficking, fel, fourth deg
(0566) · Drug abuse contr subs, fel, fourth deg
(0567) · Ethnic intimidation, fel, fourth deg
(0568) · Mail theft, federal offense
(0569) · Review of court order
(0570) · Gross sexual imposition, misdemeanor, 1st degree
(0571) · Robbery, misd, first deg
(0572) · Theft
(0573) · Unauthorized use of mv
(0574) · Passing bad checks
(0575) · Misuse credit card
(0576) · Receiving stolen property
(0577) · Attempt, misd, first deg
(0578) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0579) · Improper handling of firearms in mv
(0580) · Attempt, misd, second deg
(0581) · Misd - possess concealed weapon
(0582) · Interference with custody
(0583) · Misd - attempt
(0584) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0585) · Drug abuse, misd, third deg
(0586) · Attempt to commit an offense
(0587) · Possession marijuana, misd, fourth deg
(0588) · Motion change custody
(0589) · Minor misd. attempt
(0590) · Motion modify custody
(0591) · Motion modify support
(0592) · Motion to determine child support
(0593) · Motion review custody
(0594) · Motion review support
(0595) · Motion terminate custody
(0596) · None
(0597) · Traffic, unspecified
(0598) · Civil rights violation
(0599) · Tampering with mail federal offense
(0600) · Federal mail theft
(0601) · Federal mail theft
(0602) · Undefined
(0603) · Undefined
(0604) · Local ordinance
(0605) · Local ordinance
(0606) · Local ordinance
(0607) · Local ordinance
(0608) · Undefined
(0609) · Undefined
(0610) · Other [local, unruly]
(0611) · Undefined
(0612) · Undefined
(0613) · Definition of Juvenile Court
(0614) · Unruly
(0615) · Neglect
(0616) · Dependency, no parental care, neglect
(0617) · Terms of Court
(0618) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0619) · Hearing Procedures, authority
(0620) · Duration of dispositional order
(0621) · Duration of dispositional order
(0622) · Interstate compact
(0623) · Murder
(0624) · Voluntary manslaughter
(0625) · Aggravated vehicular assault
(0626) · Felonious assault
(0627) · Felonious assault
(0628) · Aggravated assault
(0629) · Assault
(0630) · Assault by caretaker
(0631) · Assault offense in institution
(0632) · Assault offense in institution
(0633) · Assault offense in institution
(0634) · Assault offense in institution
(0635) · Assault
(0636) · Assault
(0637) · Menacing by stalking
(0638) · Menacing
(0639) · Hazing
(0640) · Kidnap
(0641) · Kidnap
(0642) · Kidnap
(0643) · Kidnapping
(0644) · Kidnapping
(0645) · Kidnapping
(0646) · Abduction
(0647) · Abduction
(0648) · Extortion
(0649) · Extortion
(0650) · Extortion
(0651) · Rape
(0652) · Rape, victim > 13
(0653) · Rape, victim > 13
(0654) · Rape, victim > 13
(0655) · Sexual battery
(0656) · Sexual battery
(0657) · Sexual battery
(0658) · Sexual battery
(0659) · Unlawful sexual conduct of a minor
(0660) · Gross sexual imposition
(0661) · Gross sexual imposition
(0662) · Sexual imposition
(0663) · Sexual imposition
(0664) · Importuning
(0665) · Importuning
(0666) · Voyeurism
(0667) · Voyeurism
(0668) · Voyeurism
(0669) · Sexual public indecency
(0670) · Sexual public indecency
(0671) · Prostitution
(0672) · Soliciting prostitution
(0673) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0674) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0675) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0676) · Pandering obscenity
(0677) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0678) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0679) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0680) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0681) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0682) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0683) · Aggravated arson
(0684) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0685) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0686) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0687) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0688) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0689) · Disrupting public communications
(0690) · Vandalism
(0691) · Vandalism
(0692) · Vandalism
(0693) · Criminal damaging or endangering
(0694) · Criminal mischief
(0695) · Criminal mischief
(0696) · Criminal mischief
(0697) · Aggravated robbery
(0698) · Aggravated robbery
(0699) · Robbery
(0700) · Robbery
(0701) · Robbery
(0702) · Robbery
(0703) · Aggravated burglary
(0704) · Burglary / Trespassing
(0705) · Burglary / Trespassing
(0706) · Burglary / Trespassing
(0707) · Criminal trespass
(0708) · Criminal trespass
(0709) · Criminal trespass
(0710) · Criminal trespass
(0711) · Criminal trespass
(0712) · Criminal trespass
(0713) · Tampering with coin machine
(0714) · Theft
(0715) · Theft
(0716) · Theft
(0717) · Theft
(0718) · Theft
(0719) · Theft
(0720) · Theft
(0721) · Theft
(0722) · Theft
(0723) · Theft
(0724) · Theft
(0725) · Theft
(0726) · Theft
(0727) · Theft
(0728) · Theft
(0729) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle, 48 hours
(0730) · Unauthorized use of property
(0731) · Unauthorized use of property
(0732) · Unauthorized use of property
(0733) · Telecommunications fraud
(0734) · Telecommunications fraud
(0735) · Misuse of credit card
(0736) · Misuse of credit card
(0737) · Misuse of credit card
(0738) · Misuse of credit card
(0739) · Forgery
(0740) · Forgery
(0741) · Forgery
(0742) · Forgery
(0743) · Forgery
(0744) · Criminal simulation
(0745) · Criminal simulation
(0746) · Criminal simulation
(0747) · Medicaid fraud
(0748) · Tampering with records
(0749) · Illegal use of food stamps
(0750) · Illegal use of food stamps
(0751) · Insurance fraud
(0752) · Identity theft
(0753) · Identity theft
(0754) · Gambling
(0755) · Gambling
(0756) · Gambling
(0757) · Gambling
(0758) · Inciting to violence
(0759) · Aggravated riot
(0760) · Aggravated riot
(0761) · Aggravated riot
(0762) · Aggravated riot
(0763) · Riot
(0764) · Failure to disperse
(0765) · Disorderly conduct
(0766) · Disorderly conduct
(0767) · Disorderly conduct
(0768) · Disorderly conduct intoxicated
(0769) · Misconduct at emergency
(0770) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0771) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0772) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0773) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0774) · Telephone harassment, calls
(0775) · Inducing panic
(0776) · Inducing panic
(0777) · Inducing panic
(0778) · Inducing panic
(0779) · False alarms
(0780) · Misconduct on public transportation
(0781) · Evade fare on public transportation
(0782) · Smoking/eating/drinking prohibited
(0783) · Vandalism
(0784) · Fail to comply with officer of public transportation
(0785) · Endangerment, abuse/torture
(0786) · Contributing to unruliness
(0787) · Contributing to delinquency
(0788) · Retaliation
(0789) · Retaliation
(0790) · Tampering with evidence
(0791) · false statement, firearm
(0792) · false statement to court
(0793) · false statement to incriminate another
(0794) · false statement to public official
(0795) · false statement for license, permit, etc.
(0796) · false statement to commit theft
(0797) · false statement to court
(0798) · Failure to assist officer
(0799) · Obstructing justice
(0800) · Obstructing justice
(0801) · Obstructing justice
(0802) · Obstructing justice
(0803) · Obstructing justice
(0804) · Obstructing justice
(0805) · Obstructing justice
(0806) · Obstructing justice
(0807) · Resisting arrest
(0808) · Resisting arrest
(0809) · Obstructing official business
(0810) · Escape
(0811) · Escape
(0812) · Escape
(0813) · Conveying weapons, drugs, liquor on mental health facilities
(0814) · Harassment by inmate
(0815) · Harassment by inmate
(0816) · Theft
(0817) · Impersonating peace officer
(0818) · Impersonating peace officer
(0819) · Conspiracy
(0820) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0821) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0822) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0823) · Complicity to commit offense
(0824) · Complicity to commit offense
(0825) · Complicity to commit offense
(0826) · Complicity to commit offense
(0827) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0828) · Carry concealed weapon
(0829) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0830) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0831) · Weapons while under disability
(0832) · Weapons while under disability
(0833) · Weapons while under disability
(0834) · Weapons while under disability
(0835) · Possess/use weapons while intoxicated
(0836) · Discharge firearm at/into habitation, school offenses
(0837) · Unlawful manufacture of dangerous ordnance
(0838) · Unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance
(0839) · Failure to secure dangerous ordnance
(0840) · Underage purchase firearm?
(0841) · Underage purchase firearm?
(0842) · Underage purchase firearm?
(0843) · Possess criminal tools
(0844) · Possessing criminal tools
(0845) · Possessing criminal tools
(0846) · Possessing criminal tools
(0847) · Engaging in corrupt activity; forfeiture
(0848) · Engaging in corrupt activity; forfeiture
(0849) · Drugs, general
(0850) · Furnishing another with drugs
(0851) · Furnishing another with drugs
(0852) · Furnishing another with drugs
(0853) · Trafficking in drugs
(0854) · Aggra trafficking
(0855) · Aggra trafficking
(0856) · Aggra trafficking
(0857) · Aggra trafficking
(0858) · Aggra trafficking
(0859) · Aggra trafficking
(0860) · Illegal manufacture of drugs/marijuana
(0861) · Use unapproved controlled substance on livestock
(0862) · Administer/distribute anabolic steroids
(0863) · Trafficking in drugs
(0864) · Trafficking in drugs
(0865) · Trafficking in drugs
(0866) · Trafficking in drugs
(0867) · Trafficking in drugs
(0868) · Trafficking in drugs
(0869) · Trafficking in drugs
(0870) · Trafficking in drugs
(0871) · Trafficking in drugs
(0872) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0873) · Possession of controlled substance -cocaine
(0874) · Possession of controlled substance -LSD
(0875) · Possession of controlled substance -heroin
(0876) · Permitting drug abuse
(0877) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0878) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0879) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0880) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0881) · Tampering with drugs
(0882) · Abusing harmful intoxicant
(0883) · Trafficking in harmful intoxicants
(0884) · Possession/traffic counterfeit controlled substance
(0885) · Abuse of a corpse
(0886) · Ethnic intimidation
(0887) · Interception of wire or electronic communication
(0888) · Special proceedings- spec. firearm indict.
(0889) · Special proceedings- spec. firearm indict.
(0890) · Violation of probation
(0891) · Placing harmful objects in food
(0892) · Sale or use of fireworks
(0893) · Littering
(0894) · Shooting near cemetery
(0895) · Discharge firearm over highway
(0896) · Building standard, gen. Proh
(0897) · Sale of alcohol to minor
(0898) · Sale of alcohol to minor
(0899) · Sale of alcohol on Sunday
(0900) · Open container in car
(0901) · Open container in car
(0902) · Open container in car
(0903) · Open container in car
(0904) · Under 21 attempt to purchase alcohol
(0905) · False ID card to obtain alcohol
(0906) · Possession of illegally purchased alcohol
(0907) · Sale of liquor to minor
(0908) · Furnish alcohol to minor
(0909) · Furnish alcohol to minor
(0910) · Underage consumption of liquor
(0911) · Drivers license, prohibited acts
(0912) · Possession of false drivers license
(0913) · Display of false drivers license
(0914) · Driving under the influence
(0915) · Placing dangerous material on highway
(0916) · Failure to stop after traffic accident
(0917) · Apprehension of juvenile escapee
(0918) · Unauthorized use of mv
(0919) · Undefined
(0920) · Undefined
(0921) · Neglect
(0922) · Neglect, adequate medical care
(0923) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0924) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0925) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0926) · Neglect
(0927) · Neglect
(0928) · Neglect
(0929) · Neglect
(0930) · Neglect
(0931) · Neglect
(0932) · Conveying weapons, drugs, liquor on mental health facilities
(0933) · Possess weapons at or about public place, can not find
(0935) · Neglect
(0936) · Abuse
(0937) · Issuance of Warrant
(0938) · Desertion
(0939) · Definitions
(0940) · Definitions
(0941) · Aggravated assault
(0942) · Aggravated assault
(0943) · Kidnapping
(0944) · GSI
(0945) · Sexual imposition
(0946) · Sexual imposition
(0947) · Prostitution
(0948) · Disruption public service
(0949) · Forgery
(0951) · Receiving stolen property
(0952) · Riot
(0953) · Riot
(0954) · Telephone harassment
(0955) · Misconduct on public transportation
(0956) · Endangering children
(0957) · Obstructing justice
(0958) · Complicity
(0959) · Discharge of Firearm on/near Prohibted
(0960) · Discharge of Firearm on/near Prohibted
(0961) · Corrupting another with drugs
(0963) · Contaminating substance for human consumption or use
(0969) · UNRULY
(0979) · RIOT
(0982) · LOITERING
(0984) · CURFEW
(0986) · UNRULY
(0990) · GAMBLING
(1007) · UNRULY
(1009) · UNRULY
(1010) · UNRULY
(1011) · UNRULY
(1012) · UNRULY
(1015) · ESCAPE
(1017) · ATTEMPT
(1033) · CURFEW
(1035) · CURFEW
(1036) · CURFEW
(1037) · CURFEW
(1040) · CURFEW
(1042) · CURFEW
(1044) · CURFEW
(1046) · LITTERING
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(12) · Twelve
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(    ) · No Entry
(0001) · Gross sexual imposition
(0002) · Gross sexual imposition
(0003) · Gross sexual imposition
(0004) · Sexual imposition
(0009) · Voyeurism
(0010) · Public indecency
(0030) · Aggravated arson
(0031) · Aggravated arson
(0034) · Arson
(0036) · Arson, misd, first deg
(0037) · Disruption public service
(0039) · Disrupting public transportation
(0041) · Vandalism occupied structure
(0043) · Vandalism
(0046) · Vandalism
(0047) · Criminal damage endangering, danger to property or person
(0048) · Criminal damaging or endangering, danger to property or person
(0049) · Criminal damage endangering, danger to property or person
(0050) · Criminal damaging or endangering, danger to property or person
(0051) · Criminal mischief
(0053) · Criminal mischief
(0057) · Aggravated robbery
(0058) · Robbery
(0059) · Robbery
(0060) · Aggravated burglary
(0064) · Burglary
(0065) · Burglary
(0066) · Burglary / Trespassing
(0071) · Breaking and entering
(0072) · Criminal trespass
(0074) · Criminal trespass
(0078) · Tampering with coin machine
(0080) · Theft
(0083) · Theft
(0084) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle
(0087) · Motor vehicle theft
(0089) · Unauthorized use of property
(0096) · Does not apply
(0099) · Auto trespass
(0101) · Property offenses
(0103) · Drug violations
(0119) · Liquor offenses
(0120) · Curfew
(0124) · Other [local]
(0128) · Unruly, habitually disobedient
(0129) · Truant, habitually disobedient
(0130) · Endanger health and morals of a child
(0136) · Violation of court order
(0138) · Neglect
(0139) · Neglect, adequate medical care
(0140) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0141) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0142) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0143) · Dependency, neglect
(0144) · Dependency, neglect
(0145) · Dependency, neglect
(0146) · Dependency, neglect
(0147) · Probation violation
(0148) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0152) · JC authority: Apprehension, custody, detention
(0160) · Duration of dispositional order
(0170) · Fireworks, can not find
(0172) · School misconduct, can not find
(0173) · Possession of deadly weapon on public property, can not find
(0174) · Possess weapons at or about public place, can not find
(0175) · Other [local, delinquency], can not find
(0197) · Aggravated vehicular assault
(0198) · Felonious assault
(0199) · Felonious assault
(0204) · Assault
(0205) · Assault physical harm
(0207) · Assault
(0210) · Aggravated menacing
(0211) · Menacing by stalking
(0213) · Menacing
(0214) · Menacing
(0215) · Kidnapping
(0217) · Kidnap & sexual activity against victim's will
(0219) · Abduction
(0222) · Unlawful restraint
(0233) · Rape
(0235) · Sexual battery
(0241) · Misuse of credit card
(0245) · Forgery
(0259) · Receiving stolen property
(0260) · Receiving stolen property
(0261) · Receiving stolen property
(0262) · Gambling
(0272) · Inciting to violence
(0273) · Aggravated riot
(0276) · Aggravated riot
(0278) · Failure to disperse
(0279) · Disorderly conduct
(0280) · Disorderly conduct
(0281) · Disorderly conduct
(0283) · Disorderly conduct intoxicated
(0284) · Disorderly conduct
(0285) · Disturbing lawful meeting
(0287) · Telephone harassment
(0290) · Inducing panic
(0291) · Inducing panic
(0292) · Making false alarms
(0294) · False alarm
(0308) · Endangering children, abuse/torture
(0316) · Domestic violence, physical harm
(0317) · Attempt, cause physical harm to family member
(0318) · Domestic violence
(0320) · Threat of force to put fear in family member
(0321) · Domestic violence family member
(0322) · Bribery
(0329) · Intimidation, felony, third deg
(0330) · Intimidation of attorney, victim, witness
(0332) · Perjury
(0334) · Tampering with evidence
(0335) · Falsification
(0337) · Falsification - perjury
(0346) · Obstructing official business
(0348) · Obstructing justice
(0351) · Resisting arrest
(0352) · Failure to comply with order, fel, fourth deg
(0355) · Resisting arrest
(0357) · Escape
(0358) · Escape
(0370) · Attempt
(0371) · Attempt
(0372) · Attempt
(0373) · Misdemeanor - attempt
(0374) · Attempt 3rd degree misdemeanor
(0375) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0376) · Complicity
(0379) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0381) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0382) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0383) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0384) · Carry concealed weapon
(0385) · Weapons while under disability
(0387) · Possession of a weapon under disability
(0390) · Discharge firearm at/into habitation, school offenses
(0404) · Possessing criminal tools
(0405) · Possessing criminal tools
(0407) · Possessing criminal tools
(0408) · Possess criminal tools
(0413) · Trafficking in drugs
(0416) · Trafficking in drugs
(0422) · Trafficking in marijuana
(0423) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0424) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0425) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0426) · Drug possess minor amount
(0427) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0431) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0433) · Possessing drug abuse instruments
(0437) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0438) · Use, possess, or sale of drug paraphernalia
(0445) · Illegal proc of drug document
(0455) · Possession of counterfeit drugs
(0466) · Ethnic intimidation
(0474) · Certification to juvenile court
(0485) · Discharge firearm over highway
(0491) · Illegal purchase of liquor
(0493) · Prohibition, under 21 years old
(0495) · Misrepresentation by minor
(0498) · Consumption of intox. beverage in motor vehicle
(0499) · Sale of liquor to minor
(0525) · Loitering for the purpose of drug activity
(0541) · Abuse drugs, cocaine, fel, first deg
(0542) · Attempt, fel, second deg
(0550) · Attempt, fel, third deg
(0552) · Aggravated trafficking contr subs, third deg
(0555) · Theft
(0559) · Receiving stolen property
(0561) · Attempt, fel, fourth deg
(0562) · Complicity - 4th degree felony attempt
(0563) · Possession of contr subs, fel, fourth deg
(0566) · Drug abuse contr subs, fel, fourth deg
(0569) · Review of court order
(0572) · Theft
(0573) · Unauthorized use of mv
(0575) · Misuse credit card
(0576) · Receiving stolen property
(0577) · Attempt, misd, first deg
(0578) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0580) · Attempt, misd, second deg
(0583) · Misd - attempt
(0585) · Drug abuse, misd, third deg
(0587) · Possession marijuana, misd, fourth deg
(0592) · Motion to determine child support
(0596) · None
(0663) · Sexual imposition
(0673) · Pandering sexual material involving a minor
(0684) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0688) · Arson, prior to 7-1-96
(0707) · Criminal trespass
(0729) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle, 48 hours
(0732) · Unauthorized use of property
(0738) · Misuse of credit card
(0742) · Forgery
(0748) · Tampering with records
(0775) · Inducing panic
(0778) · Inducing panic
(0797) · false statement to court
(0803) · Obstructing justice
(0804) · Obstructing justice
(0819) · Conspiracy
(0820) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0824) · Complicity to commit offense
(0825) · Complicity to commit offense
(0826) · Complicity to commit offense
(0828) · Carry concealed weapon
(0830) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0837) · Unlawful manufacture of dangerous ordnance
(0838) · Unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance
(0843) · Possess criminal tools
(0863) · Trafficking in drugs
(0864) · Trafficking in drugs
(0871) · Trafficking in drugs
(0872) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0877) · Possession of drug paraphernalia
(0898) · Sale of alcohol to minor
(0900) · Open container in car
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(18) · Eighteen
(    ) · No Entry
(0007) · Importuning
(0010) · Public indecency
(0019) · Soliciting prostitution
(0030) · Aggravated arson
(0031) · Aggravated arson
(0039) · Disrupting public transportation
(0046) · Vandalism
(0047) · Criminal damage endangering, danger to property or person
(0049) · Criminal damage endangering, danger to property or person
(0053) · Criminal mischief
(0060) · Aggravated burglary
(0072) · Criminal trespass
(0074) · Criminal trespass
(0080) · Theft
(0083) · Theft
(0084) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle
(0096) · Does not apply
(0099) · Auto trespass
(0101) · Property offenses
(0120) · Curfew
(0128) · Unruly, habitually disobedient
(0129) · Truant, habitually disobedient
(0136) · Violation of court order
(0138) · Neglect
(0139) · Neglect, adequate medical care
(0140) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0141) · Neglect, no existent subsections
(0143) · Dependency, neglect
(0144) · Dependency, neglect
(0145) · Dependency, neglect
(0146) · Dependency, neglect
(0172) · School misconduct, can not find
(0175) · Other [local, delinquency], can not find
(0199) · Felonious assault
(0204) · Assault
(0205) · Assault physical harm
(0207) · Assault
(0210) · Aggravated menacing
(0215) · Kidnapping
(0217) · Kidnap & sexual activity against victim's will
(0222) · Unlawful restraint
(0227) · Extortion
(0241) · Misuse of credit card
(0245) · Forgery
(0259) · Receiving stolen property
(0260) · Receiving stolen property
(0261) · Receiving stolen property
(0262) · Gambling
(0273) · Aggravated riot
(0279) · Disorderly conduct
(0280) · Disorderly conduct
(0281) · Disorderly conduct
(0284) · Disorderly conduct
(0287) · Telephone harassment
(0290) · Inducing panic
(0291) · Inducing panic
(0292) · Making false alarms
(0316) · Domestic violence, physical harm
(0318) · Domestic violence
(0320) · Threat of force to put fear in family member
(0321) · Domestic violence family member
(0329) · Intimidation, felony, third deg
(0334) · Tampering with evidence
(0335) · Falsification
(0337) · Falsification - perjury
(0346) · Obstructing official business
(0351) · Resisting arrest
(0352) · Failure to comply with order, fel, fourth deg
(0353) · Failure to comply with order, misd, first deg
(0354) · Resisting arrest
(0355) · Resisting arrest
(0357) · Escape
(0367) · Conspiracy
(0370) · Attempt
(0371) · Attempt
(0372) · Attempt
(0373) · Misdemeanor - attempt
(0374) · Attempt 3rd degree misdemeanor
(0375) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0376) · Complicity
(0379) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0382) · Possession deadly weapon / dangerous ordinance in school zone
(0383) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0384) · Carry concealed weapon
(0387) · Possession of a weapon under disability
(0404) · Possessing criminal tools
(0405) · Possessing criminal tools
(0407) · Possessing criminal tools
(0408) · Possess criminal tools
(0423) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0424) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0427) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0431) · Possession of drugs/controlled substance
(0455) · Possession of counterfeit drugs
(0466) · Ethnic intimidation
(0491) · Illegal purchase of liquor
(0493) · Prohibition, under 21 years old
(0495) · Misrepresentation by minor
(0525) · Loitering for the purpose of drug activity
(0538) · Attempt, felony, 1st degree
(0546) · Theft
(0550) · Attempt, fel, third deg
(0555) · Theft
(0559) · Receiving stolen property
(0569) · Review of court order
(0572) · Theft
(0576) · Receiving stolen property
(0577) · Attempt, misd, first deg
(0578) · Carrying concealed weapon
(0580) · Attempt, misd, second deg
(0583) · Misd - attempt
(0592) · Motion to determine child support
(0596) · None
(0618) · Jurisdiction of juvenile court
(0707) · Criminal trespass
(0709) · Criminal trespass
(0729) · Unauthorized use of motor vehicle, 48 hours
(0746) · Criminal simulation
(0778) · Inducing panic
(0804) · Obstructing justice
(0819) · Conspiracy
(0820) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0822) · Attempt to commit a crime
(0828) · Carry concealed weapon
(0843) · Possess criminal tools
(0900) · Open container in car
( ) · No Entry
(0) · None
(1) · One
(2) · Two
(3) · Three
(4) · Four
(5) · Five
(9) · Nine
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
(ACA) · Accepted for court action
(ACS) · Assign courtesy sup
(CDP) · Court diversion project
(CMH) · Mediation hearing
(CUP) · Court unruly project [previously PUP]
(DNA) · Disposition unavailable
(DOI) · Disposed of at intake
(DUP) · Duplicate filing
(DYS) · Youth services worker - some supervision
(IHA) · Intake hearing adjusted
(IHR) · Intake hearing referred
(IMR) · Intake mediation resolved
(IMU) · Intake mediation unresolved
(INC) · Incomplete information
(ITC) · Intake conference
(LET) · Handled by correspondence
(MAP) · Model alt program
(PPA) · $D case, PA
(PUP) · Pilot unruly project
(RBE) · Referred to board of education
(RCM) · Referred to court mediation
(RCP) · Referred to cty pros
(RCW) · Referred to court worker
(RDA) · Referred to YDC div proj
(RDR) · Sup-order issued ddr
(RDS) · Referred to diversion svc
(ROC) · Referred to other courts
(ROS) · Referred to other services
(RPA) · Su addr incorrect-outdate
(RPD) · Referred to police department
(RPE) · Su currently unemployed
(RPJ) · Su outside jurisdiction of court
(RPM) · Compl currently married
(RPO) · Sup order prev-by court
(RPP) · Divorce act pending-ddr
(RPS) · Su prov-adequate sup
(RPV) · Uno sup-arrng-by ccwd
(RPX) · Other dispo inq, cp or ct
(RSA) · Referred to social agency
(RSS) · Refused social services
Code list is not available
Code list is not available
( ) · No Entry
(N) · No
(Y) · Yes
(  ) · No Entry
(CJ) · County jail
(DH) · Detention home
(HD) · Home detention
(    ) · No Entry
(1977) · 1977
(1978) · 1978
(1979) · 1979
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
(    ) · No Entry
(1977) · 1977
(1978) · 1978
(1979) · 1979
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(001) · One
(002) · Two
(003) · Three
(004) · Four
(005) · Five
(006) · Six
(007) · Seven
(008) · Eight
(009) · Nine
(010) · Ten
(011) · Eleven
(012) · Twelve
(013) · Thirteen
(014) · Fourteen
(015) · Fifteen
(016) · Sixteen
(017) · Seventeen
(018) · Eighteen
(019) · Nineteen
(020) · Twenty
(021) · Twenty-one
(022) · Twenty-two
(023) · Twenty-three
(024) · Twenty-four
(025) · Twenty-five
(026) · Twenty-six
(027) · Twenty-seven
(028) · Twenty-eight
(029) · Twenty-nine
(030) · Thirty
(031) · Thirty-one
(032) · Thirty-two
(033) · Thirty-three
(034) · Thirty-four
(035) · Thirty-five
(036) · Thirty-six
(037) · Thirty-seven
(038) · Thirty-eight
(039) · Thirty-nine
(040) · Forty
(041) · Forty-one
(042) · Forty-two
(043) · Forty-three
(044) · Forty-four
(045) · Forty-five
(046) · Forty-six
(047) · Forty-seven
(048) · Forty-eight
(049) · Forty-nine
(050) · Fifty
(051) · Fifty-one
(052) · Fifty-two
(053) · Fifty-three
(054) · Fifty-four
(055) · Fifty-five
(056) · Fifty-six
(057) · Fifty-seven
(058) · Fifty-eight
(059) · Fifty-nine
(060) · Sixty
(061) · Sixty-one
(062) · Sixty-two
(063) · Sixty-three
(064) · Sixty-four
(065) · Sixty-five
(067) · Sixty-seven
(068) · Sixty-eight
(069) · Sixty-nine
(070) · Seventy
(071) · Seventy-one
(072) · Seventy-two
(073) · Seventy-three
(074) · Seventy-four
(075) · Seventy-five
(076) · Seventy-six
(077) · Seventy-seven
(078) · Seventy-eight
(079) · Seventy-nine
(081) · Eighty-one
(082) · Eighty-two
(083) · Eighty-three
(086) · Eighty-six
(087) · Eighty-seven
(089) · Eighty-nine
(090) · Ninety
(092) · Ninety-two
(094) · Ninety-four
(098) · Ninety-eight
(099) · Missing
(100) · One hundred
(106) · One hundred six
(110) · One hundred ten
(115) · One hundred fifteen
(119) · One hundred nineteen
(123) · One hundred twenty-three
(124) · One hundred twenty-four
(135) · One hundred thirty-five
(137) · One hundred thirty-seven
(139) · One hundred thirty-nine
(141) · One hundred forty-one
(145) · One hundred forty-five
(146) · One hundred forty-six
(148) · One hundred forty-eight
(151) · One hundred fifty-one
(165) · One hundred sixty-five
(192) · One hundred ninety-two
(342) · Three hundred forty-two
(367) · Three hundred sixty-seven
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(001) · One
(002) · Two
(003) · Three
(004) · Four
(005) · Five
(006) · Six
(007) · Seven
(008) · Eight
(009) · Nine
(010) · Ten
(011) · Eleven
(012) · Twelve
(013) · Thirteen
(014) · Fourteen
(015) · Fifteen
(016) · Sixteen
(017) · Seventeen
(018) · Eighteen
(019) · Nineteen
(020) · Twenty
(021) · Twenty-one
(022) · Twenty-two
(023) · Twenty-three
(024) · Twenty-four
(025) · Twenty-five
(026) · Twenty-six
(027) · Twenty-seven
(028) · Twenty-eight
(030) · Thirty
(031) · Thirty-one
(032) · Thirty-two
(033) · Thirty-three
(035) · Thirty-five
(041) · Forty-one
(043) · Forty-three
(044) · Forty-four
(046) · Forty-six
(048) · Forty-eight
(049) · Forty-nine
(050) · Fifty
(052) · Fifty-two
(056) · Fifty-six
(057) · Fifty-seven
(062) · Sixty-two
(063) · Sixty-three
(064) · Sixty-four
(066) · Sixty-six
(072) · Seventy-two
(075) · Seventy-five
(077) · Seventy-seven
(078) · Seventy-eight
(084) · Eighty-four
(092) · Ninety-two
(101) · One hundred one
(289) · Two hundred eighty-nine
(367) · Three hundred sixty-seven
(653) · Six hundred fifty-three
Code list is not available
(0000) · None
(0001) · One
(0002) · Two
(0008) · Eight
(0011) · Eleven
(0017) · Seventeen
(0023) · Twenty-three
(0043) · Forty-three
(0044) · Forty-four
(0045) · Forty-five
(0047) · Forty-seven
(0049) · Forty-nine
(0051) · Fifty-one
(0053) · Fifty-three
(0056) · Fifty-six
(0057) · Fifty-seven
(0058) · Fifty-eight
(0059) · Fifty-nine
(0061) · Sixty-one
(0062) · Sixty-two
(0063) · Sixty-three
(0064) · Sixty-four
(0065) · Sixty-five
(0066) · Sixty-six
(0069) · Sixty-nine
(0070) · Seventy
(0071) · Seventy-one
(0072) · Seventy-two
(0074) · Seventy-four
(0075) · Seventy-five
(0078) · Seventy-eight
(0080) · Eighty
(0081) · Eighty-one
(0082) · Eighty-two
(0084) · Eighty-four
(0085) · Eighty-five
(0086) · Eighty-six
(0089) · Eighty-nine
(0091) · Ninety-one
(0096) · Ninety-six
(0097) · Ninety-seven
(0098) · Ninety-eight
(0099) · Missing
(0100) · One hundred
(0101) · One hundred one
(0102) · One hundred two
(0103) · One hundred three
(0105) · One hundred five
(0106) · One hundred six
(0107) · One hundred seven
(0108) · One hundred eight
(0110) · One hundred ten
(0111) · One hundred eleven
(0112) · One hundred twelve
(0113) · One hundred thirteen
(0116) · One hundred sixteen
(0119) · One hundred nineteen
(0120) · One hundred twenty
(0121) · One hundred twenty-one
(0122) · One hundred twenty-two
(0124) · One hundred twenty-four
(0125) · One hundred twenty-five
(0126) · One hundred twenty-six
(0127) · One hundred twenty-seven
(0128) · One hundred twenty-eight
(0129) · One hundred twenty-nine
(0130) · One hundred thirty
(0131) · One hundred thirty-one
(0132) · One hundred thirty-two
(0133) · One hundred thirty-three
(0134) · One hundred thirty-four
(0135) · One hundred thirty-five
(0137) · One hundred thirty-seven
(0138) · One hundred thirty-eight
(0139) · One hundred thirty-nine
(0140) · One hundred forty
(0141) · One hundred forty-one
(0142) · One hundred forty-two
(0143) · One hundred forty-three
(0144) · One hundred forty-four
(0145) · One hundred forty-five
(0146) · One hundred forty-six
(0147) · One hundred forty-seven
(0148) · One hundred forty-eight
(0149) · One hundred forty-nine
(0150) · One hundred fifty
(0151) · One hundred fifty-one
(0152) · One hundred fifty-two
(0154) · One hundred fifty-four
(0155) · One hundred fifty-five
(0156) · One hundred fifty-six
(0157) · One hundred fifty-seven
(0159) · One hundred fifty-nine
(0160) · One hundred sixty
(0161) · One hundred sixty-one
(0162) · One hundred sixty-two
(0163) · One hundred sixty-three
(0165) · One hundred sixty-five
(0166) · One hundred sixty-six
(0167) · One hundred sixty-seven
(0168) · One hundred sixty-eight
(0169) · One hundred sixty-nine
(0170) · One hundred seventy
(0173) · One hundred seventy-three
(0174) · One hundred seventy-four
(0175) · One hundred seventy-five
(0176) · One hundred seventy-six
(0177) · One hundred seventy-seven
(0179) · One hundred seventy-nine
(0180) · One hundred eighty
(0181) · One hundred eighty-one
(0182) · One hundred eighty-two
(0183) · One hundred eighty-three
(0184) · One hundred eighty-four
(0185) · One hundred eighty-five
(0186) · One hundred eighty-six
(0188) · One hundred eighty-eight
(0189) · One hundred eighty-nine
(0190) · One hundred ninety
(0191) · One hundred ninety-one
(0192) · One hundred ninety-two
(0193) · One hundred ninety-three
(0194) · One hundred ninety-four
(0195) · One hundred ninety-five
(0196) · One hundred ninety-six
(0197) · One hundred ninety-seven
(0198) · One hundred ninety-eight
(0199) · One hundred ninety-nine
(0200) · Two hundred
(0201) · Two hundred one
(0202) · Two hundred two
(0203) · Two hundred three
(0204) · Two hundred four
(0205) · Two hundred five
(0206) · Two hundred six
(0207) · Two hundred seven
(0208) · Two hundred eight
(0209) · Two hundred nine
(0211) · Two hundred eleven
(0212) · Two hundred twelve
(0213) · Two hundred thirteen
(0214) · Two hundred fourteen
(0215) · Two hundred fifteen
(0216) · Two hundred sixteen
(0217) · Two hundred seventeen
(0218) · Two hundred eighteen
(0219) · Two hundred nineteen
(0220) · Two hundred twenty
(0221) · Two hundred twenty-one
(0222) · Two hundred twenty-two
(0223) · Two hundred twenty-three
(0224) · Two hundred twenty-four
(0225) · Two hundred twenty-five
(0226) · Two hundred twenty-six
(0227) · Two hundred twenty-seven
(0228) · Two hundred twenty-eight
(0229) · Two hundred twenty-nine
(0230) · Two hundred thirty
(0231) · Two hundred thirty-one
(0232) · Two hundred thirty-two
(0233) · Two hundred thirty-three
(0234) · Two hundred thirty-four
(0235) · Two hundred thirty-five
(0236) · Two hundred thirty-six
(0237) · Two hundred thirty-seven
(0238) · Two hundred thirty-eight
(0239) · Two hundred thirty-nine
(0240) · Two hundred forty
(0241) · Two hundred forty-one
(0243) · Two hundred forty-three
(0245) · Two hundred forty-five
(0246) · Two hundred forty-six
(0247) · Two hundred forty-seven
(0249) · Two hundred forty-nine
(0251) · Two hundred fifty-one
(0252) · Two hundred fifty-two
(0254) · Two hundred fifty-four
(0255) · Two hundred fifty-five
(0256) · Two hundred fifty-six
(0258) · Two hundred fifty-eight
(0259) · Two hundred fifty-nine
(0260) · Two hundred sixty
(0261) · Two hundred sixty-one
(0262) · Two hundred sixty-two
(0264) · Two hundred sixty-four
(0265) · Two hundred sixty-five
(0268) · Two hundred sixty-eight
(0270) · Two hundred seventy
(0271) · Two hundred seventy-one
(0272) · Two hundred seventy-two
(0273) · Two hundred seventy-three
(0274) · Two hundred seventy-four
(0275) · Two hundred seventy-five
(0277) · Two hundred seventy-seven
(0278) · Two hundred seventy-eight
(0280) · Two hundred eighty
(0281) · Two hundred eighty-one
(0282) · Two hundred eighty-two
(0283) · Two hundred eighty-three
(0285) · Two hundred eighty-five
(0287) · Two hundred eighty-seven
(0288) · Two hundred eighty-eight
(0289) · Two hundred eighty-nine
(0290) · Two hundred ninety
(0296) · Two hundred ninety-six
(0298) · Two hundred ninety-eight
(0299) · Two hundred ninety-nine
(0301) · Three hundred one
(0303) · Three hundred three
(0304) · Three hundred four
(0305) · Three hundred five
(0306) · Three hundred six
(0307) · Three hundred seven
(0308) · Three hundred eight
(0309) · Three hundred nine
(0310) · Three hundred ten
(0311) · Three hundred eleven
(0312) · Three hundred twelve
(0313) · Three hundred thirteen
(0314) · Three hundred fourteen
(0315) · Three hundred fifteen
(0317) · Three hundred seventeen
(0318) · Three hundred eighteen
(0320) · Three hundred twenty
(0323) · Three hundred twenty-three
(0324) · Three hundred twenty-four
(0325) · Three hundred twenty-five
(0326) · Three hundred twenty-six
(0327) · Three hundred twenty-seven
(0330) · Three hundred thirty
(0331) · Three hundred thirty-one
(0333) · Three hundred thirty-three
(0335) · Three hundred thirty-five
(0341) · Three hundred forty-one
(0342) · Three hundred forty-two
(0343) · Three hundred forty-three
(0345) · Three hundred forty-five
(0346) · Three hundred forty-six
(0347) · Three hundred forty-seven
(0350) · Three hundred fifty
(0351) · Three hundred fifty-one
(0353) · Three hundred fifty-three
(0355) · Three hundred fifty-five
(0356) · Three hundred fifty-six
(0357) · Three hundred fifty-seven
(0360) · Three hundred sixty
(0362) · Three hundred sixty-two
(0363) · Three hundred sixty-three
(0364) · Three hundred sixty-four
(0365) · Three hundred sixty-five
(0366) · Three hundred sixty-six
(0370) · Three hundred seventy
(0373) · Three hundred seventy-three
(0374) · Three hundred seventy-four
(0375) · Three hundred seventy-five
(0378) · Three hundred seventy-eight
(0380) · Three hundred eighty
(0381) · Three hundred eighty-one
(0383) · Three hundred eighty-three
(0385) · Three hundred eighty-five
(0387) · Three hundred eighty-seven
(0389) · Three hundred eighty-nine
(0398) · Three hundred ninety-eight
(0399) · Three hundred ninety-nine
(0404) · Four hundred four
(0406) · Four hundred six
(0407) · Four hundred seven
(0412) · Four hundred twelve
(0413) · Four hundred thirteen
(0414) · Four hundred fourteen
(0419) · Four hundred nineteen
(0421) · Four hundred twenty-one
(0423) · Four hundred twenty-three
(0426) · Four hundred twenty-six
(0428) · Four hundred twenty-eight
(0429) · Four hundred twenty-nine
(0439) · Four hundred thirty-nine
(0441) · Four hundred forty-one
(0452) · Four hundred fifty-two
(0457) · Four hundred fifty-seven
(0464) · Four hundred sixty-four
(0466) · Four hundred sixty-six
(0488) · Four hundred eighty-eight
(0490) · Four hundred ninety
(0492) · Four hundred ninety-two
(0497) · Four hundred ninety-seven
(0502) · Five hundred two
(0503) · Five hundred three
(0511) · Five hundred eleven
(0512) · Five hundred twelve
(0517) · Five hundred seventeen
(0518) · Five hundred eighteen
(0520) · Five hundred twenty
(0526) · Five hundred twenty-six
(0538) · Five hundred thirty-eight
(0539) · Five hundred thirty-nine
(0544) · Five hundred forty-four
(0545) · Five hundred forty-five
(0546) · Five hundred forty-six
(0561) · Five hundred sixty-one
(0567) · Five hundred sixty-seven
(0580) · Five hundred eighty
(0583) · Five hundred eighty-three
(0591) · Five hundred ninety-one
(0598) · Five hundred ninety-eight
(0602) · Six hundred two
(0603) · Six hundred three
(0626) · Six hundred twenty-six
(0627) · Six hundred twenty-seven
(0639) · Six hundred thirty-nine
(0659) · Six hundred fifty-nine
(0700) · Seven hundred
(0703) · Seven hundred three
(0725) · Seven hundred twenty-five
(0728) · Seven hundred twenty-eight
(0732) · Seven hundred thirty-two
(0749) · Seven hundred forty-nine
(0760) · Seven hundred sixty
(0841) · Eight hundred forty-one
(0910) · Nine hundred ten
(0922) · Nine hundred twenty-two
(0938) · Nine hundred thirty-eight
(0966) · Nine hundred sixty-six
(0000) · None
(0083) · Eighty-three
(0197) · One hundred ninety-seven
(0201) · Two hundred one
(0202) · Two hundred two
(0323) · Three hundred twenty-three
(0352) · Three hundred fifty-two
(0589) · Five hundred eighty-nine
(0595) · Five hundred ninety-five
(0000) · None
(0001) · One
(0009) · Nine
(0018) · Eighteen
(    ) · No Entry
(1978) · 1978
(1979) · 1979
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
(    ) · No Entry
(1980) · 1980
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
Code list is not available
(    ) · No Entry
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(21) · Twenty-one
(22) · Twenty-two
(23) · Twenty-three
(24) · Twenty-four
(25) · Twenty-five
(26) · Twenty-six
(27) · Twenty-seven
(28) · Twenty-eight
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(21) · Twenty-one
(22) · Twenty-two
(23) · Twenty-three
(24) · Twenty-four
(25) · Twenty-five
(26) · Twenty-six
(27) · Twenty-seven
(28) · Twenty-eight
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(0) · None
(1) · One
(2) · Two
(3) · Three
(4) · Four
(5) · Five
(6) · Six
(7) · Seven
(8) · Eight
(9) · Nine
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(17) · Seventeen
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(17) · Seventeen
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(0) · None
(1) · One
(2) · Two
(3) · Three
(4) · Four
(5) · Five
(6) · Six
(7) · Seven
(8) · Eight
(0000) · None
(0001) · One
(0002) · Two
(0003) · Three
(0004) · Four
(0005) · Five
(0006) · Six
(0007) · Seven
(0008) · Eight
(0009) · Nine
(0010) · Ten
(0011) · Eleven
(0012) · Twelve
(0013) · Thirteen
(0014) · Fourteen
(0015) · Fifteen
(0016) · Sixteen
(0017) · Seventeen
(0018) · Eighteen
(0019) · Nineteen
(0020) · Twenty
(0021) · Twenty-one
(0022) · Twenty-two
(0023) · Twenty-three
(0024) · Twenty-four
(0025) · Twenty-five
(0026) · Twenty-six
(0027) · Twenty-seven
(0028) · Twenty-eight
(0029) · Twenty-nine
(0030) · Thirty
(0031) · Thirty-one
(0032) · Thirty-two
(0033) · Thirty-three
(0034) · Thirty-four
(0035) · Thirty-five
(0036) · Thirty-six
(0037) · Thirty-seven
(0038) · Thirty-eight
(0039) · Thirty-nine
(0040) · Forty
(0041) · Forty-one
(0042) · Forty-two
(0043) · Forty-three
(0044) · Forty-four
(0045) · Forty-five
(0046) · Forty-six
(0047) · Forty-seven
(0048) · Forty-eight
(0049) · Forty-nine
(0050) · Fifty
(0051) · Fifty-one
(0052) · Fifty-two
(0053) · Fifty-three
(0054) · Fifty-four
(0055) · Fifty-five
(0056) · Fifty-six
(0057) · Fifty-seven
(0058) · Fifty-eight
(0059) · Fifty-nine
(0060) · Sixty
(0061) · Sixty-one
(0062) · Sixty-two
(0063) · Sixty-three
(0064) · Sixty-four
(0065) · Sixty-five
(0066) · Sixty-six
(0067) · Sixty-seven
(0068) · Sixty-eight
(0069) · Sixty-nine
(0070) · Seventy
(0071) · Seventy-one
(0072) · Seventy-two
(0073) · Seventy-three
(0074) · Seventy-four
(0075) · Seventy-five
(0076) · Seventy-six
(0077) · Seventy-seven
(0078) · Seventy-eight
(0079) · Seventy-nine
(0080) · Eighty
(0081) · Eighty-one
(0082) · Eighty-two
(0083) · Eighty-three
(0084) · Eighty-four
(0085) · Eighty-five
(0086) · Eighty-six
(0087) · Eighty-seven
(0088) · Eighty-eight
(0089) · Eighty-nine
(0090) · Ninety
(0091) · Ninety-one
(0092) · Ninety-two
(0093) · Ninety-three
(0094) · Ninety-four
(0095) · Ninety-five
(0096) · Ninety-six
(0097) · Ninety-seven
(0098) · Ninety-eight
(0099) · Missing
(0100) · One hundred
(0101) · One hundred one
(0102) · One hundred two
(0103) · One hundred three
(0104) · One hundred four
(0105) · One hundred five
(0106) · One hundred six
(0107) · One hundred seven
(0108) · One hundred eight
(0109) · One hundred nine
(0110) · One hundred ten
(0111) · One hundred eleven
(0112) · One hundred twelve
(0113) · One hundred thirteen
(0114) · One hundred fourteen
(0115) · One hundred fifteen
(0116) · One hundred sixteen
(0117) · One hundred seventeen
(0118) · One hundred eighteen
(0119) · One hundred nineteen
(0120) · One hundred twenty
(0121) · One hundred twenty-one
(0122) · One hundred twenty-two
(0123) · One hundred twenty-three
(0124) · One hundred twenty-four
(0125) · One hundred twenty-five
(0126) · One hundred twenty-six
(0127) · One hundred twenty-seven
(0128) · One hundred twenty-eight
(0129) · One hundred twenty-nine
(0130) · One hundred thirty
(0131) · One hundred thirty-one
(0132) · One hundred thirty-two
(0133) · One hundred thirty-three
(0134) · One hundred thirty-four
(0135) · One hundred thirty-five
(0136) · One hundred thirty-six
(0137) · One hundred thirty-seven
(0138) · One hundred thirty-eight
(0139) · One hundred thirty-nine
(0140) · One hundred forty
(0141) · One hundred forty-one
(0142) · One hundred forty-two
(0143) · One hundred forty-three
(0144) · One hundred forty-four
(0145) · One hundred forty-five
(0146) · One hundred forty-six
(0147) · One hundred forty-seven
(0148) · One hundred forty-eight
(0149) · One hundred forty-nine
(0150) · One hundred fifty
(0151) · One hundred fifty-one
(0152) · One hundred fifty-two
(0153) · One hundred fifty-three
(0154) · One hundred fifty-four
(0155) · One hundred fifty-five
(0156) · One hundred fifty-six
(0157) · One hundred fifty-seven
(0158) · One hundred fifty-eight
(0159) · One hundred fifty-nine
(0160) · One hundred sixty
(0161) · One hundred sixty-one
(0162) · One hundred sixty-two
(0163) · One hundred sixty-three
(0164) · One hundred sixty-four
(0165) · One hundred sixty-five
(0166) · One hundred sixty-six
(0167) · One hundred sixty-seven
(0168) · One hundred sixty-eight
(0169) · One hundred sixty-nine
(0170) · One hundred seventy
(0171) · One hundred seventy-one
(0172) · One hundred seventy-two
(0173) · One hundred seventy-three
(0174) · One hundred seventy-four
(0175) · One hundred seventy-five
(0176) · One hundred seventy-six
(0177) · One hundred seventy-seven
(0178) · One hundred seventy-eight
(0179) · One hundred seventy-nine
(0180) · One hundred eighty
(0181) · One hundred eighty-one
(0182) · One hundred eighty-two
(0183) · One hundred eighty-three
(0184) · One hundred eighty-four
(0185) · One hundred eighty-five
(0186) · One hundred eighty-six
(0187) · One hundred eighty-seven
(0188) · One hundred eighty-eight
(0189) · One hundred eighty-nine
(0190) · One hundred ninety
(0191) · One hundred ninety-one
(0192) · One hundred ninety-two
(0193) · One hundred ninety-three
(0194) · One hundred ninety-four
(0195) · One hundred ninety-five
(0196) · One hundred ninety-six
(0197) · One hundred ninety-seven
(0198) · One hundred ninety-eight
(0199) · One hundred ninety-nine
(0200) · Two hundred
(0201) · Two hundred one
(0202) · Two hundred two
(0203) · Two hundred three
(0204) · Two hundred four
(0205) · Two hundred five
(0206) · Two hundred six
(0207) · Two hundred seven
(0208) · Two hundred eight
(0209) · Two hundred nine
(0210) · Two hundred ten
(0211) · Two hundred eleven
(0212) · Two hundred twelve
(0213) · Two hundred thirteen
(0214) · Two hundred fourteen
(0215) · Two hundred fifteen
(0216) · Two hundred sixteen
(0217) · Two hundred seventeen
(0218) · Two hundred eighteen
(0219) · Two hundred nineteen
(0220) · Two hundred twenty
(0221) · Two hundred twenty-one
(0222) · Two hundred twenty-two
(0223) · Two hundred twenty-three
(0224) · Two hundred twenty-four
(0225) · Two hundred twenty-five
(0226) · Two hundred twenty-six
(0227) · Two hundred twenty-seven
(0228) · Two hundred twenty-eight
(0229) · Two hundred twenty-nine
(0230) · Two hundred thirty
(0231) · Two hundred thirty-one
(0232) · Two hundred thirty-two
(0233) · Two hundred thirty-three
(0234) · Two hundred thirty-four
(0235) · Two hundred thirty-five
(0236) · Two hundred thirty-six
(0237) · Two hundred thirty-seven
(0238) · Two hundred thirty-eight
(0239) · Two hundred thirty-nine
(0240) · Two hundred forty
(0241) · Two hundred forty-one
(0242) · Two hundred forty-two
(0243) · Two hundred forty-three
(0244) · Two hundred forty-four
(0245) · Two hundred forty-five
(0246) · Two hundred forty-six
(0247) · Two hundred forty-seven
(0248) · Two hundred forty-eight
(0249) · Two hundred forty-nine
(0250) · Two hundred fifty
(0251) · Two hundred fifty-one
(0252) · Two hundred fifty-two
(0253) · Two hundred fifty-three
(0254) · Two hundred fifty-four
(0255) · Two hundred fifty-five
(0256) · Two hundred fifty-six
(0257) · Two hundred fifty-seven
(0258) · Two hundred fifty-eight
(0259) · Two hundred fifty-nine
(0260) · Two hundred sixty
(0261) · Two hundred sixty-one
(0262) · Two hundred sixty-two
(0263) · Two hundred sixty-three
(0264) · Two hundred sixty-four
(0265) · Two hundred sixty-five
(0266) · Two hundred sixty-six
(0267) · Two hundred sixty-seven
(0268) · Two hundred sixty-eight
(0269) · Two hundred sixty-nine
(0270) · Two hundred seventy
(0271) · Two hundred seventy-one
(0272) · Two hundred seventy-two
(0273) · Two hundred seventy-three
(0274) · Two hundred seventy-four
(0275) · Two hundred seventy-five
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(0280) · Two hundred eighty
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(0297) · Two hundred ninety-seven
(0298) · Two hundred ninety-eight
(0299) · Two hundred ninety-nine
(0300) · Three hundred
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(0317) · Three hundred seventeen
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(0320) · Three hundred twenty
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(0322) · Three hundred twenty-two
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(0325) · Three hundred twenty-five
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(0330) · Three hundred thirty
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(0332) · Three hundred thirty-two
(0333) · Three hundred thirty-three
(0334) · Three hundred thirty-four
(0335) · Three hundred thirty-five
(0337) · Three hundred thirty-seven
(0338) · Three hundred thirty-eight
(0339) · Three hundred thirty-nine
(0340) · Three hundred forty
(0341) · Three hundred forty-one
(0342) · Three hundred forty-two
(0343) · Three hundred forty-three
(0344) · Three hundred forty-four
(0345) · Three hundred forty-five
(0346) · Three hundred forty-six
(0347) · Three hundred forty-seven
(0348) · Three hundred forty-eight
(0349) · Three hundred forty-nine
(0350) · Three hundred fifty
(0351) · Three hundred fifty-one
(0352) · Three hundred fifty-two
(0353) · Three hundred fifty-three
(0354) · Three hundred fifty-four
(0355) · Three hundred fifty-five
(0356) · Three hundred fifty-six
(0357) · Three hundred fifty-seven
(0358) · Three hundred fifty-eight
(0359) · Three hundred fifty-nine
(0360) · Three hundred sixty
(0361) · Three hundred sixty-one
(0362) · Three hundred sixty-two
(0363) · Three hundred sixty-three
(0364) · Three hundred sixty-four
(0365) · Three hundred sixty-five
(0366) · Three hundred sixty-six
(0367) · Three hundred sixty-seven
(0368) · Three hundred sixty-eight
(0369) · Three hundred sixty-nine
(0370) · Three hundred seventy
(0371) · Three hundred seventy-one
(0372) · Three hundred seventy-two
(0374) · Three hundred seventy-four
(0375) · Three hundred seventy-five
(0376) · Three hundred seventy-six
(0377) · Three hundred seventy-seven
(0378) · Three hundred seventy-eight
(0379) · Three hundred seventy-nine
(0380) · Three hundred eighty
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(0382) · Three hundred eighty-two
(0383) · Three hundred eighty-three
(0386) · Three hundred eighty-six
(0387) · Three hundred eighty-seven
(0388) · Three hundred eighty-eight
(0389) · Three hundred eighty-nine
(0390) · Three hundred ninety
(0391) · Three hundred ninety-one
(0392) · Three hundred ninety-two
(0393) · Three hundred ninety-three
(0394) · Three hundred ninety-four
(0395) · Three hundred ninety-five
(0397) · Three hundred ninety-seven
(0399) · Three hundred ninety-nine
(0400) · Four hundred
(0401) · Four hundred one
(0402) · Four hundred two
(0403) · Four hundred three
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(0455) · Four hundred fifty-five
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(0505) · Five hundred five
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(0514) · Five hundred fourteen
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(0525) · Five hundred twenty-five
(0526) · Five hundred twenty-six
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(0567) · Five hundred sixty-seven
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(0582) · Five hundred eighty-two
(0592) · Five hundred ninety-two
(0595) · Five hundred ninety-five
(0600) · Six hundred
(0602) · Six hundred two
(0605) · Six hundred five
(0607) · Six hundred seven
(0608) · Six hundred eight
(0614) · Six hundred fourteen
(0615) · Six hundred fifteen
(0618) · Six hundred eighteen
(0622) · Six hundred twenty-two
(0625) · Six hundred twenty-five
(0629) · Six hundred twenty-nine
(0631) · Six hundred thirty-one
(0636) · Six hundred thirty-six
(0647) · Six hundred forty-seven
(0649) · Six hundred forty-nine
(0653) · Six hundred fifty-three
(0654) · Six hundred fifty-four
(0657) · Six hundred fifty-seven
(0662) · Six hundred sixty-two
(0668) · Six hundred sixty-eight
(0676) · Six hundred seventy-six
(0679) · Six hundred seventy-nine
(0680) · Six hundred eighty
(0682) · Six hundred eighty-two
(0685) · Six hundred eighty-five
(0686) · Six hundred eighty-six
(0687) · Six hundred eighty-seven
(0692) · Six hundred ninety-two
(0693) · Six hundred ninety-three
(0694) · Six hundred ninety-four
(0703) · Seven hundred three
(0707) · Seven hundred seven
(0712) · Seven hundred twelve
(0714) · Seven hundred fourteen
(0715) · Seven hundred fifteen
(0725) · Seven hundred twenty-five
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(0740) · Seven hundred forty
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(0748) · Seven hundred forty-eight
(0750) · Seven hundred fifty
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(0762) · Seven hundred sixty-two
(0763) · Seven hundred sixty-three
(0764) · Seven hundred sixty-four
(0770) · Seven hundred seventy
(0775) · Seven hundred seventy-five
(0784) · Seven hundred eighty-four
(0787) · Seven hundred eighty-seven
(0790) · Seven hundred ninety
(0793) · Seven hundred ninety-three
(0797) · Seven hundred ninety-seven
(0800) · Eight hundred
(0807) · Eight hundred seven
(0826) · Eight hundred twenty-six
(0827) · Eight hundred twenty-seven
(0834) · Eight hundred thirty-four
(0837) · Eight hundred thirty-seven
(0840) · Eight hundred forty
(0841) · Eight hundred forty-one
(0846) · Eight hundred forty-six
(0870) · Eight hundred seventy
(0893) · Eight hundred ninety-three
(0899) · Eight hundred ninety-nine
(0903) · Nine hundred three
(0905) · Nine hundred five
(0953) · Nine hundred fifty-three
(0967) · Nine hundred sixty-seven
(0975) · Nine hundred seventy-five
(0980) · Nine hundred eighty
(0989) · Nine hundred eighty-nine
(0997) · Nine hundred ninety-seven
(0000) · None
(0001) · One
(0002) · Two
(0003) · Three
(0004) · Four
(0005) · Five
(0006) · Six
(0007) · Seven
(0008) · Eight
(0009) · Nine
(0010) · Ten
(0011) · Eleven
(0012) · Twelve
(0013) · Thirteen
(0014) · Fourteen
(0015) · Fifteen
(0016) · Sixteen
(0017) · Seventeen
(0018) · Eighteen
(0019) · Nineteen
(0020) · Twenty
(0021) · Twenty-one
(0022) · Twenty-two
(0023) · Twenty-three
(0024) · Twenty-four
(0025) · Twenty-five
(0026) · Twenty-six
(0027) · Twenty-seven
(0028) · Twenty-eight
(0029) · Twenty-nine
(0030) · Thirty
(0031) · Thirty-one
(0032) · Thirty-two
(0033) · Thirty-three
(0034) · Thirty-four
(0035) · Thirty-five
(0036) · Thirty-six
(0037) · Thirty-seven
(0038) · Thirty-eight
(0039) · Thirty-nine
(0040) · Forty
(0041) · Forty-one
(0042) · Forty-two
(0043) · Forty-three
(0044) · Forty-four
(0045) · Forty-five
(0046) · Forty-six
(0047) · Forty-seven
(0048) · Forty-eight
(0049) · Forty-nine
(0050) · Fifty
(0051) · Fifty-one
(0052) · Fifty-two
(0053) · Fifty-three
(0054) · Fifty-four
(0055) · Fifty-five
(0056) · Fifty-six
(0057) · Fifty-seven
(0058) · Fifty-eight
(0059) · Fifty-nine
(0060) · Sixty
(0061) · Sixty-one
(0062) · Sixty-two
(0063) · Sixty-three
(0064) · Sixty-four
(0065) · Sixty-five
(0066) · Sixty-six
(0067) · Sixty-seven
(0068) · Sixty-eight
(0069) · Sixty-nine
(0070) · Seventy
(0071) · Seventy-one
(0072) · Seventy-two
(0073) · Seventy-three
(0074) · Seventy-four
(0075) · Seventy-five
(0076) · Seventy-six
(0077) · Seventy-seven
(0078) · Seventy-eight
(0079) · Seventy-nine
(0080) · Eighty
(0081) · Eighty-one
(0082) · Eighty-two
(0083) · Eighty-three
(0084) · Eighty-four
(0085) · Eighty-five
(0086) · Eighty-six
(0087) · Eighty-seven
(0088) · Eighty-eight
(0089) · Eighty-nine
(0090) · Ninety
(0091) · Ninety-one
(0092) · Ninety-two
(0093) · Ninety-three
(0094) · Ninety-four
(0095) · Ninety-five
(0096) · Ninety-six
(0097) · Ninety-seven
(0098) · Ninety-eight
(0099) · Missing
(0100) · One hundred
(0101) · One hundred one
(0102) · One hundred two
(0103) · One hundred three
(0104) · One hundred four
(0105) · One hundred five
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(0117) · One hundred seventeen
(0118) · One hundred eighteen
(0119) · One hundred nineteen
(0120) · One hundred twenty
(0121) · One hundred twenty-one
(0122) · One hundred twenty-two
(0123) · One hundred twenty-three
(0124) · One hundred twenty-four
(0125) · One hundred twenty-five
(0126) · One hundred twenty-six
(0127) · One hundred twenty-seven
(0128) · One hundred twenty-eight
(0129) · One hundred twenty-nine
(0130) · One hundred thirty
(0131) · One hundred thirty-one
(0132) · One hundred thirty-two
(0133) · One hundred thirty-three
(0134) · One hundred thirty-four
(0135) · One hundred thirty-five
(0136) · One hundred thirty-six
(0137) · One hundred thirty-seven
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(0139) · One hundred thirty-nine
(0140) · One hundred forty
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(0142) · One hundred forty-two
(0143) · One hundred forty-three
(0144) · One hundred forty-four
(0145) · One hundred forty-five
(0146) · One hundred forty-six
(0147) · One hundred forty-seven
(0148) · One hundred forty-eight
(0149) · One hundred forty-nine
(0150) · One hundred fifty
(0151) · One hundred fifty-one
(0152) · One hundred fifty-two
(0153) · One hundred fifty-three
(0154) · One hundred fifty-four
(0155) · One hundred fifty-five
(0156) · One hundred fifty-six
(0157) · One hundred fifty-seven
(0158) · One hundred fifty-eight
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(0160) · One hundred sixty
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(0162) · One hundred sixty-two
(0163) · One hundred sixty-three
(0164) · One hundred sixty-four
(0165) · One hundred sixty-five
(0166) · One hundred sixty-six
(0167) · One hundred sixty-seven
(0168) · One hundred sixty-eight
(0169) · One hundred sixty-nine
(0170) · One hundred seventy
(0171) · One hundred seventy-one
(0172) · One hundred seventy-two
(0173) · One hundred seventy-three
(0174) · One hundred seventy-four
(0175) · One hundred seventy-five
(0176) · One hundred seventy-six
(0177) · One hundred seventy-seven
(0178) · One hundred seventy-eight
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(0180) · One hundred eighty
(0181) · One hundred eighty-one
(0182) · One hundred eighty-two
(0183) · One hundred eighty-three
(0184) · One hundred eighty-four
(0185) · One hundred eighty-five
(0186) · One hundred eighty-six
(0187) · One hundred eighty-seven
(0188) · One hundred eighty-eight
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(0190) · One hundred ninety
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(0192) · One hundred ninety-two
(0193) · One hundred ninety-three
(0194) · One hundred ninety-four
(0195) · One hundred ninety-five
(0196) · One hundred ninety-six
(0197) · One hundred ninety-seven
(0198) · One hundred ninety-eight
(0199) · One hundred ninety-nine
(0200) · Two hundred
(0201) · Two hundred one
(0202) · Two hundred two
(0203) · Two hundred three
(0204) · Two hundred four
(0205) · Two hundred five
(0206) · Two hundred six
(0207) · Two hundred seven
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(0210) · Two hundred ten
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(0215) · Two hundred fifteen
(0216) · Two hundred sixteen
(0217) · Two hundred seventeen
(0218) · Two hundred eighteen
(0219) · Two hundred nineteen
(0220) · Two hundred twenty
(0221) · Two hundred twenty-one
(0222) · Two hundred twenty-two
(0223) · Two hundred twenty-three
(0224) · Two hundred twenty-four
(0225) · Two hundred twenty-five
(0226) · Two hundred twenty-six
(0227) · Two hundred twenty-seven
(0228) · Two hundred twenty-eight
(0229) · Two hundred twenty-nine
(0230) · Two hundred thirty
(0231) · Two hundred thirty-one
(0232) · Two hundred thirty-two
(0233) · Two hundred thirty-three
(0234) · Two hundred thirty-four
(0235) · Two hundred thirty-five
(0236) · Two hundred thirty-six
(0237) · Two hundred thirty-seven
(0238) · Two hundred thirty-eight
(0239) · Two hundred thirty-nine
(0240) · Two hundred forty
(0241) · Two hundred forty-one
(0242) · Two hundred forty-two
(0243) · Two hundred forty-three
(0244) · Two hundred forty-four
(0245) · Two hundred forty-five
(0246) · Two hundred forty-six
(0247) · Two hundred forty-seven
(0248) · Two hundred forty-eight
(0249) · Two hundred forty-nine
(0250) · Two hundred fifty
(0251) · Two hundred fifty-one
(0252) · Two hundred fifty-two
(0253) · Two hundred fifty-three
(0254) · Two hundred fifty-four
(0255) · Two hundred fifty-five
(0256) · Two hundred fifty-six
(0257) · Two hundred fifty-seven
(0258) · Two hundred fifty-eight
(0259) · Two hundred fifty-nine
(0260) · Two hundred sixty
(0261) · Two hundred sixty-one
(0262) · Two hundred sixty-two
(0263) · Two hundred sixty-three
(0264) · Two hundred sixty-four
(0265) · Two hundred sixty-five
(0266) · Two hundred sixty-six
(0267) · Two hundred sixty-seven
(0268) · Two hundred sixty-eight
(0269) · Two hundred sixty-nine
(0270) · Two hundred seventy
(0271) · Two hundred seventy-one
(0272) · Two hundred seventy-two
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(0277) · Two hundred seventy-seven
(0278) · Two hundred seventy-eight
(0279) · Two hundred seventy-nine
(0280) · Two hundred eighty
(0281) · Two hundred eighty-one
(0282) · Two hundred eighty-two
(0283) · Two hundred eighty-three
(0284) · Two hundred eighty-four
(0285) · Two hundred eighty-five
(0286) · Two hundred eighty-six
(0287) · Two hundred eighty-seven
(0288) · Two hundred eighty-eight
(0289) · Two hundred eighty-nine
(0290) · Two hundred ninety
(0291) · Two hundred ninety-one
(0292) · Two hundred ninety-two
(0293) · Two hundred ninety-three
(0294) · Two hundred ninety-four
(0295) · Two hundred ninety-five
(0296) · Two hundred ninety-six
(0297) · Two hundred ninety-seven
(0298) · Two hundred ninety-eight
(0299) · Two hundred ninety-nine
(0300) · Three hundred
(0301) · Three hundred one
(0302) · Three hundred two
(0303) · Three hundred three
(0304) · Three hundred four
(0305) · Three hundred five
(0306) · Three hundred six
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(0310) · Three hundred ten
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(0312) · Three hundred twelve
(0313) · Three hundred thirteen
(0314) · Three hundred fourteen
(0315) · Three hundred fifteen
(0316) · Three hundred sixteen
(0317) · Three hundred seventeen
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(0900) · Nine hundred
(0902) · Nine hundred two
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(0993) · Nine hundred ninety-three
(0996) · Nine hundred ninety-six
(0998) · Nine hundred ninety-eight
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(002) · Two
(003) · Three
(020) · Twenty
(023) · Twenty-three
(032) · Thirty-two
(033) · Thirty-three
(040) · Forty
(043) · Forty-three
(050) · Fifty
(052) · Fifty-two
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(060) · Sixty
(062) · Sixty-two
(063) · Sixty-three
(070) · Seventy
(073) · Seventy-three
(080) · Eighty
(082) · Eighty-two
(083) · Eighty-three
(090) · Ninety
(092) · Ninety-two
(093) · Ninety-three
(100) · One hundred
(102) · One hundred two
(103) · One hundred three
(110) · One hundred ten
(112) · One hundred twelve
(113) · One hundred thirteen
(120) · One hundred twenty
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(193) · One hundred ninety-three
(200) · Two hundred
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(203) · Two hundred three
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(263) · Two hundred sixty-three
(270) · Two hundred seventy
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(292) · Two hundred ninety-two
(310) · Three hundred ten
(313) · Three hundred thirteen
(320) · Three hundred twenty
(323) · Three hundred twenty-three
(353) · Three hundred fifty-three
(372) · Three hundred seventy-two
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(004) · Four
(030) · Thirty
(034) · Thirty-four
(300) · Three hundred
(304) · Three hundred four
(330) · Three hundred thirty
(334) · Three hundred thirty-four
(600) · Six hundred
(604) · Six hundred four
(630) · Six hundred thirty
(634) · Six hundred thirty-four
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(001) · One
(020) · Twenty
(021) · Twenty-one
(300) · Three hundred
(301) · Three hundred one
(320) · Three hundred twenty
(321) · Three hundred twenty-one
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(002) · Two
(020) · Twenty
(022) · Twenty-two
(200) · Two hundred
(202) · Two hundred two
(220) · Two hundred twenty
(222) · Two hundred twenty-two
(   ) · No Entry
(004) · Four
(005) · Five
(006) · Six
(007) · Seven
(008) · Eight
(009) · Nine
(010) · Ten
(011) · Eleven
(012) · Twelve
(013) · Thirteen
(014) · Fourteen
(015) · Fifteen
(016) · Sixteen
(017) · Seventeen
(018) · Eighteen
(019) · Nineteen
(020) · Twenty
(021) · Twenty-one
(022) · Twenty-two
(023) · Twenty-three
(024) · Twenty-four
(025) · Twenty-five
(026) · Twenty-six
(027) · Twenty-seven
(306) · Three hundred six
(307) · Three hundred seven
(308) · Three hundred eight
(309) · Three hundred nine
(310) · Three hundred ten
(311) · Three hundred eleven
(312) · Three hundred twelve
(313) · Three hundred thirteen
(314) · Three hundred fourteen
(315) · Three hundred fifteen
(316) · Three hundred sixteen
(317) · Three hundred seventeen
(318) · Three hundred eighteen
(319) · Three hundred nineteen
(320) · Three hundred twenty
(321) · Three hundred twenty-one
(322) · Three hundred twenty-two
(323) · Three hundred twenty-three
(324) · Three hundred twenty-four
(325) · Three hundred twenty-five
(326) · Three hundred twenty-six
(327) · Three hundred twenty-seven
(328) · Three hundred twenty-eight
(329) · Three hundred twenty-nine
(330) · Three hundred thirty
(331) · Three hundred thirty-one
(333) · Three hundred thirty-three
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(941) · Nine hundred forty-one
(950) · Nine hundred fifty
(960) · Nine hundred sixty
(961) · Nine hundred sixty-one
(970) · Nine hundred seventy
(971) · Nine hundred seventy-one
(980) · Nine hundred eighty
(981) · Nine hundred eighty-one
(990) · Nine hundred ninety
(991) · Nine hundred ninety-one
(   ) · No Entry
(001) · One
(002) · Two
(004) · Four
(005) · Five
(006) · Six
(008) · Eight
(010) · Ten
(011) · Eleven
(013) · Thirteen
(015) · Fifteen
(019) · Nineteen
(020) · Twenty
(021) · Twenty-one
(022) · Twenty-two
(027) · Twenty-seven
(028) · Twenty-eight
(029) · Twenty-nine
(030) · Thirty
(101) · One hundred one
(103) · One hundred three
(104) · One hundred four
(105) · One hundred five
(106) · One hundred six
(107) · One hundred seven
(108) · One hundred eight
(110) · One hundred ten
(111) · One hundred eleven
(112) · One hundred twelve
(113) · One hundred thirteen
(114) · One hundred fourteen
(115) · One hundred fifteen
(116) · One hundred sixteen
(117) · One hundred seventeen
(118) · One hundred eighteen
(119) · One hundred nineteen
(120) · One hundred twenty
(121) · One hundred twenty-one
(122) · One hundred twenty-two
(123) · One hundred twenty-three
(124) · One hundred twenty-four
(125) · One hundred twenty-five
(126) · One hundred twenty-six
(127) · One hundred twenty-seven
(128) · One hundred twenty-eight
(129) · One hundred twenty-nine
(130) · One hundred thirty
(201) · Two hundred one
(202) · Two hundred two
(203) · Two hundred three
(204) · Two hundred four
(205) · Two hundred five
(206) · Two hundred six
(207) · Two hundred seven
(208) · Two hundred eight
(209) · Two hundred nine
(210) · Two hundred ten
(211) · Two hundred eleven
(212) · Two hundred twelve
(214) · Two hundred fourteen
(215) · Two hundred fifteen
(216) · Two hundred sixteen
(217) · Two hundred seventeen
(218) · Two hundred eighteen
(219) · Two hundred nineteen
(220) · Two hundred twenty
(221) · Two hundred twenty-one
(222) · Two hundred twenty-two
(223) · Two hundred twenty-three
(224) · Two hundred twenty-four
(225) · Two hundred twenty-five
(227) · Two hundred twenty-seven
(228) · Two hundred twenty-eight
(229) · Two hundred twenty-nine
(230) · Two hundred thirty
(301) · Three hundred one
(302) · Three hundred two
(303) · Three hundred three
(304) · Three hundred four
(305) · Three hundred five
(308) · Three hundred eight
(309) · Three hundred nine
(310) · Three hundred ten
(311) · Three hundred eleven
(312) · Three hundred twelve
(315) · Three hundred fifteen
(316) · Three hundred sixteen
(317) · Three hundred seventeen
(318) · Three hundred eighteen
(321) · Three hundred twenty-one
(322) · Three hundred twenty-two
(323) · Three hundred twenty-three
(324) · Three hundred twenty-four
(325) · Three hundred twenty-five
(326) · Three hundred twenty-six
(328) · Three hundred twenty-eight
(329) · Three hundred twenty-nine
(330) · Three hundred thirty
(331) · Three hundred thirty-one
(401) · Four hundred one
(405) · Four hundred five
(406) · Four hundred six
(407) · Four hundred seven
(408) · Four hundred eight
(409) · Four hundred nine
(412) · Four hundred twelve
(413) · Four hundred thirteen
(414) · Four hundred fourteen
(415) · Four hundred fifteen
(416) · Four hundred sixteen
(417) · Four hundred seventeen
(419) · Four hundred nineteen
(420) · Four hundred twenty
(421) · Four hundred twenty-one
(422) · Four hundred twenty-two
(423) · Four hundred twenty-three
(425) · Four hundred twenty-five
(426) · Four hundred twenty-six
(427) · Four hundred twenty-seven
(428) · Four hundred twenty-eight
(429) · Four hundred twenty-nine
(430) · Four hundred thirty
(503) · Five hundred three
(504) · Five hundred four
(505) · Five hundred five
(506) · Five hundred six
(507) · Five hundred seven
(509) · Five hundred nine
(510) · Five hundred ten
(511) · Five hundred eleven
(512) · Five hundred twelve
(513) · Five hundred thirteen
(514) · Five hundred fourteen
(515) · Five hundred fifteen
(517) · Five hundred seventeen
(518) · Five hundred eighteen
(519) · Five hundred nineteen
(520) · Five hundred twenty
(521) · Five hundred twenty-one
(522) · Five hundred twenty-two
(524) · Five hundred twenty-four
(525) · Five hundred twenty-five
(526) · Five hundred twenty-six
(527) · Five hundred twenty-seven
(529) · Five hundred twenty-nine
(601) · Six hundred one
(602) · Six hundred two
(603) · Six hundred three
(604) · Six hundred four
(607) · Six hundred seven
(608) · Six hundred eight
(609) · Six hundred nine
(610) · Six hundred ten
(611) · Six hundred eleven
(612) · Six hundred twelve
(614) · Six hundred fourteen
(615) · Six hundred fifteen
(616) · Six hundred sixteen
(617) · Six hundred seventeen
(618) · Six hundred eighteen
(619) · Six hundred nineteen
(621) · Six hundred twenty-one
(622) · Six hundred twenty-two
(623) · Six hundred twenty-three
(624) · Six hundred twenty-four
(627) · Six hundred twenty-seven
(628) · Six hundred twenty-eight
(629) · Six hundred twenty-nine
(630) · Six hundred thirty
(701) · Seven hundred one
(702) · Seven hundred two
(707) · Seven hundred seven
(708) · Seven hundred eight
(709) · Seven hundred nine
(712) · Seven hundred twelve
(714) · Seven hundred fourteen
(715) · Seven hundred fifteen
(716) · Seven hundred sixteen
(719) · Seven hundred nineteen
(720) · Seven hundred twenty
(721) · Seven hundred twenty-one
(722) · Seven hundred twenty-two
(723) · Seven hundred twenty-three
(726) · Seven hundred twenty-six
(727) · Seven hundred twenty-seven
(729) · Seven hundred twenty-nine
(730) · Seven hundred thirty
(802) · Eight hundred two
(803) · Eight hundred three
(804) · Eight hundred four
(805) · Eight hundred five
(806) · Eight hundred six
(808) · Eight hundred eight
(810) · Eight hundred ten
(811) · Eight hundred eleven
(812) · Eight hundred twelve
(813) · Eight hundred thirteen
(816) · Eight hundred sixteen
(817) · Eight hundred seventeen
(818) · Eight hundred eighteen
(819) · Eight hundred nineteen
(820) · Eight hundred twenty
(821) · Eight hundred twenty-one
(823) · Eight hundred twenty-three
(824) · Eight hundred twenty-four
(826) · Eight hundred twenty-six
(901) · Nine hundred one
(902) · Nine hundred two
(903) · Nine hundred three
(904) · Nine hundred four
(908) · Nine hundred eight
(911) · Nine hundred eleven
(913) · Nine hundred thirteen
(914) · Nine hundred fourteen
(915) · Nine hundred fifteen
(916) · Nine hundred sixteen
(917) · Nine hundred seventeen
(918) · Nine hundred eighteen
(920) · Nine hundred twenty
(923) · Nine hundred twenty-three
(925) · Nine hundred twenty-five
(928) · Nine hundred twenty-eight
(930) · Nine hundred thirty
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(900) · Nine hundred
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(   ) · No Entry
(105) · One hundred five
(117) · One hundred seventeen
(206) · Two hundred six
(208) · Two hundred eight
(311) · Three hundred eleven
(409) · Four hundred nine
(411) · Four hundred eleven
(412) · Four hundred twelve
(415) · Four hundred fifteen
(501) · Five hundred one
(507) · Five hundred seven
(513) · Five hundred thirteen
(516) · Five hundred sixteen
(591) · Five hundred ninety-one
(592) · Five hundred ninety-two
(602) · Six hundred two
(605) · Six hundred five
(607) · Six hundred seven
(610) · Six hundred ten
(611) · Six hundred eleven
(612) · Six hundred twelve
(614) · Six hundred fourteen
(615) · Six hundred fifteen
(616) · Six hundred sixteen
(617) · Six hundred seventeen
(691) · Six hundred ninety-one
(692) · Six hundred ninety-two
(700) · Seven hundred
(701) · Seven hundred one
(703) · Seven hundred three
(704) · Seven hundred four
(705) · Seven hundred five
(706) · Seven hundred six
(707) · Seven hundred seven
(708) · Seven hundred eight
(709) · Seven hundred nine
(710) · Seven hundred ten
(711) · Seven hundred eleven
(712) · Seven hundred twelve
(713) · Seven hundred thirteen
(714) · Seven hundred fourteen
(715) · Seven hundred fifteen
(716) · Seven hundred sixteen
(790) · Seven hundred ninety
(791) · Seven hundred ninety-one
(800) · Eight hundred
(801) · Eight hundred one
(802) · Eight hundred two
(803) · Eight hundred three
(804) · Eight hundred four
(805) · Eight hundred five
(806) · Eight hundred six
(807) · Eight hundred seven
(808) · Eight hundred eight
(809) · Eight hundred nine
(810) · Eight hundred ten
(811) · Eight hundred eleven
(812) · Eight hundred twelve
(813) · Eight hundred thirteen
(814) · Eight hundred fourteen
(815) · Eight hundred fifteen
(816) · Eight hundred sixteen
(853) · Eight hundred fifty-three
(893) · Eight hundred ninety-three
(894) · Eight hundred ninety-four
(900) · Nine hundred
(901) · Nine hundred one
(902) · Nine hundred two
(903) · Nine hundred three
(904) · Nine hundred four
(905) · Nine hundred five
(906) · Nine hundred six
(907) · Nine hundred seven
(908) · Nine hundred eight
(909) · Nine hundred nine
(910) · Nine hundred ten
(911) · Nine hundred eleven
(912) · Nine hundred twelve
(913) · Nine hundred thirteen
(990) · Nine hundred ninety
(991) · Nine hundred ninety-one
(992) · Nine hundred ninety-two
(993) · Nine hundred ninety-three
(994) · Nine hundred ninety-four
(   ) · No Entry
(000) · None
(001) · One
(002) · Two
(003) · Three
(004) · Four
(005) · Five
(006) · Six
(007) · Seven
(009) · Nine
(010) · Ten
(011) · Eleven
(012) · Twelve
(013) · Thirteen
(017) · Seventeen
(018) · Eighteen
(020) · Twenty
(021) · Twenty-one
(022) · Twenty-two
(023) · Twenty-three
(024) · Twenty-four
(025) · Twenty-five
(026) · Twenty-six
(027) · Twenty-seven
(028) · Twenty-eight
(029) · Twenty-nine
(030) · Thirty
(031) · Thirty-one
(032) · Thirty-two
(033) · Thirty-three
(035) · Thirty-five
(037) · Thirty-seven
(038) · Thirty-eight
(039) · Thirty-nine
(040) · Forty
(043) · Forty-three
(044) · Forty-four
(045) · Forty-five
(046) · Forty-six
(047) · Forty-seven
(048) · Forty-eight
(049) · Forty-nine
(050) · Fifty
(051) · Fifty-one
(052) · Fifty-two
(053) · Fifty-three
(054) · Fifty-four
(055) · Fifty-five
(056) · Fifty-six
(057) · Fifty-seven
(058) · Fifty-eight
(059) · Fifty-nine
(060) · Sixty
(061) · Sixty-one
(062) · Sixty-two
(063) · Sixty-three
(065) · Sixty-five
(066) · Sixty-six
(067) · Sixty-seven
(068) · Sixty-eight
(070) · Seventy
(071) · Seventy-one
(072) · Seventy-two
(073) · Seventy-three
(074) · Seventy-four
(075) · Seventy-five
(077) · Seventy-seven
(078) · Seventy-eight
(079) · Seventy-nine
(080) · Eighty
(081) · Eighty-one
(082) · Eighty-two
(083) · Eighty-three
(084) · Eighty-four
(085) · Eighty-five
(086) · Eighty-six
(087) · Eighty-seven
(088) · Eighty-eight
(089) · Eighty-nine
(090) · Ninety
(091) · Ninety-one
(092) · Ninety-two
(093) · Ninety-three
(094) · Ninety-four
(095) · Ninety-five
(096) · Ninety-six
(097) · Ninety-seven
(098) · Ninety-eight
(099) · Missing
(100) · One hundred
(102) · One hundred two
(104) · One hundred four
(106) · One hundred six
(107) · One hundred seven
(108) · One hundred eight
(109) · One hundred nine
(110) · One hundred ten
(111) · One hundred eleven
(112) · One hundred twelve
(113) · One hundred thirteen
(114) · One hundred fourteen
(115) · One hundred fifteen
(116) · One hundred sixteen
(117) · One hundred seventeen
(118) · One hundred eighteen
(119) · One hundred nineteen
(121) · One hundred twenty-one
(122) · One hundred twenty-two
(123) · One hundred twenty-three
(124) · One hundred twenty-four
(125) · One hundred twenty-five
(126) · One hundred twenty-six
(127) · One hundred twenty-seven
(128) · One hundred twenty-eight
(129) · One hundred twenty-nine
(130) · One hundred thirty
(131) · One hundred thirty-one
(132) · One hundred thirty-two
(133) · One hundred thirty-three
(135) · One hundred thirty-five
(136) · One hundred thirty-six
(137) · One hundred thirty-seven
(138) · One hundred thirty-eight
(139) · One hundred thirty-nine
(140) · One hundred forty
(141) · One hundred forty-one
(142) · One hundred forty-two
(143) · One hundred forty-three
(144) · One hundred forty-four
(145) · One hundred forty-five
(146) · One hundred forty-six
(147) · One hundred forty-seven
(148) · One hundred forty-eight
(149) · One hundred forty-nine
(150) · One hundred fifty
(151) · One hundred fifty-one
(152) · One hundred fifty-two
(154) · One hundred fifty-four
(155) · One hundred fifty-five
(156) · One hundred fifty-six
(157) · One hundred fifty-seven
(158) · One hundred fifty-eight
(159) · One hundred fifty-nine
(160) · One hundred sixty
(161) · One hundred sixty-one
(162) · One hundred sixty-two
(163) · One hundred sixty-three
(164) · One hundred sixty-four
(165) · One hundred sixty-five
(166) · One hundred sixty-six
(167) · One hundred sixty-seven
(168) · One hundred sixty-eight
(169) · One hundred sixty-nine
(170) · One hundred seventy
(171) · One hundred seventy-one
(173) · One hundred seventy-three
(174) · One hundred seventy-four
(175) · One hundred seventy-five
(177) · One hundred seventy-seven
(178) · One hundred seventy-eight
(179) · One hundred seventy-nine
(180) · One hundred eighty
(181) · One hundred eighty-one
(182) · One hundred eighty-two
(183) · One hundred eighty-three
(184) · One hundred eighty-four
(185) · One hundred eighty-five
(186) · One hundred eighty-six
(187) · One hundred eighty-seven
(188) · One hundred eighty-eight
(189) · One hundred eighty-nine
(190) · One hundred ninety
(191) · One hundred ninety-one
(193) · One hundred ninety-three
(194) · One hundred ninety-four
(195) · One hundred ninety-five
(196) · One hundred ninety-six
(197) · One hundred ninety-seven
(199) · One hundred ninety-nine
(201) · Two hundred one
(202) · Two hundred two
(203) · Two hundred three
(204) · Two hundred four
(207) · Two hundred seven
(208) · Two hundred eight
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(210) · Two hundred ten
(211) · Two hundred eleven
(212) · Two hundred twelve
(213) · Two hundred thirteen
(214) · Two hundred fourteen
(215) · Two hundred fifteen
(217) · Two hundred seventeen
(218) · Two hundred eighteen
(219) · Two hundred nineteen
(220) · Two hundred twenty
(222) · Two hundred twenty-two
(223) · Two hundred twenty-three
(224) · Two hundred twenty-four
(225) · Two hundred twenty-five
(226) · Two hundred twenty-six
(227) · Two hundred twenty-seven
(228) · Two hundred twenty-eight
(229) · Two hundred twenty-nine
(230) · Two hundred thirty
(231) · Two hundred thirty-one
(232) · Two hundred thirty-two
(233) · Two hundred thirty-three
(234) · Two hundred thirty-four
(235) · Two hundred thirty-five
(236) · Two hundred thirty-six
(237) · Two hundred thirty-seven
(238) · Two hundred thirty-eight
(239) · Two hundred thirty-nine
(240) · Two hundred forty
(242) · Two hundred forty-two
(243) · Two hundred forty-three
(244) · Two hundred forty-four
(245) · Two hundred forty-five
(246) · Two hundred forty-six
(247) · Two hundred forty-seven
(248) · Two hundred forty-eight
(249) · Two hundred forty-nine
(251) · Two hundred fifty-one
(252) · Two hundred fifty-two
(253) · Two hundred fifty-three
(254) · Two hundred fifty-four
(255) · Two hundred fifty-five
(256) · Two hundred fifty-six
(257) · Two hundred fifty-seven
(258) · Two hundred fifty-eight
(259) · Two hundred fifty-nine
(260) · Two hundred sixty
(261) · Two hundred sixty-one
(262) · Two hundred sixty-two
(263) · Two hundred sixty-three
(264) · Two hundred sixty-four
(265) · Two hundred sixty-five
(266) · Two hundred sixty-six
(267) · Two hundred sixty-seven
(268) · Two hundred sixty-eight
(269) · Two hundred sixty-nine
(270) · Two hundred seventy
(271) · Two hundred seventy-one
(274) · Two hundred seventy-four
(275) · Two hundred seventy-five
(276) · Two hundred seventy-six
(278) · Two hundred seventy-eight
(279) · Two hundred seventy-nine
(280) · Two hundred eighty
(281) · Two hundred eighty-one
(282) · Two hundred eighty-two
(283) · Two hundred eighty-three
(284) · Two hundred eighty-four
(285) · Two hundred eighty-five
(286) · Two hundred eighty-six
(289) · Two hundred eighty-nine
(291) · Two hundred ninety-one
(292) · Two hundred ninety-two
(293) · Two hundred ninety-three
(294) · Two hundred ninety-four
(295) · Two hundred ninety-five
(296) · Two hundred ninety-six
(297) · Two hundred ninety-seven
(298) · Two hundred ninety-eight
(301) · Three hundred one
(302) · Three hundred two
(304) · Three hundred four
(305) · Three hundred five
(306) · Three hundred six
(307) · Three hundred seven
(308) · Three hundred eight
(309) · Three hundred nine
(311) · Three hundred eleven
(312) · Three hundred twelve
(313) · Three hundred thirteen
(314) · Three hundred fourteen
(315) · Three hundred fifteen
(316) · Three hundred sixteen
(318) · Three hundred eighteen
(319) · Three hundred nineteen
(320) · Three hundred twenty
(322) · Three hundred twenty-two
(323) · Three hundred twenty-three
(324) · Three hundred twenty-four
(325) · Three hundred twenty-five
(326) · Three hundred twenty-six
(327) · Three hundred twenty-seven
(328) · Three hundred twenty-eight
(329) · Three hundred twenty-nine
(330) · Three hundred thirty
(331) · Three hundred thirty-one
(332) · Three hundred thirty-two
(333) · Three hundred thirty-three
(334) · Three hundred thirty-four
(335) · Three hundred thirty-five
(337) · Three hundred thirty-seven
(338) · Three hundred thirty-eight
(341) · Three hundred forty-one
(343) · Three hundred forty-three
(344) · Three hundred forty-four
(345) · Three hundred forty-five
(347) · Three hundred forty-seven
(348) · Three hundred forty-eight
(349) · Three hundred forty-nine
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(899) · Eight hundred ninety-nine
(901) · Nine hundred one
(902) · Nine hundred two
(904) · Nine hundred four
(905) · Nine hundred five
(906) · Nine hundred six
(907) · Nine hundred seven
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(914) · Nine hundred fourteen
(916) · Nine hundred sixteen
(917) · Nine hundred seventeen
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(920) · Nine hundred twenty
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(930) · Nine hundred thirty
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(932) · Nine hundred thirty-two
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(940) · Nine hundred forty
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(942) · Nine hundred forty-two
(943) · Nine hundred forty-three
(945) · Nine hundred forty-five
(946) · Nine hundred forty-six
(947) · Nine hundred forty-seven
(948) · Nine hundred forty-eight
(949) · Nine hundred forty-nine
(950) · Nine hundred fifty
(951) · Nine hundred fifty-one
(952) · Nine hundred fifty-two
(954) · Nine hundred fifty-four
(955) · Nine hundred fifty-five
(956) · Nine hundred fifty-six
(957) · Nine hundred fifty-seven
(959) · Nine hundred fifty-nine
(960) · Nine hundred sixty
(961) · Nine hundred sixty-one
(962) · Nine hundred sixty-two
(963) · Nine hundred sixty-three
(964) · Nine hundred sixty-four
(965) · Nine hundred sixty-five
(966) · Nine hundred sixty-six
(967) · Nine hundred sixty-seven
(968) · Nine hundred sixty-eight
(969) · Nine hundred sixty-nine
(970) · Nine hundred seventy
(973) · Nine hundred seventy-three
(975) · Nine hundred seventy-five
(976) · Nine hundred seventy-six
(977) · Nine hundred seventy-seven
(978) · Nine hundred seventy-eight
(979) · Nine hundred seventy-nine
(980) · Nine hundred eighty
(981) · Nine hundred eighty-one
(982) · Nine hundred eighty-two
(983) · Nine hundred eighty-three
(984) · Nine hundred eighty-four
(985) · Nine hundred eighty-five
(986) · Nine hundred eighty-six
(987) · Nine hundred eighty-seven
(988) · Nine hundred eighty-eight
(989) · Nine hundred eighty-nine
(990) · Nine hundred ninety
(991) · Nine hundred ninety-one
(992) · Nine hundred ninety-two
(994) · Nine hundred ninety-four
(995) · Nine hundred ninety-five
(996) · Nine hundred ninety-six
(997) · Nine hundred ninety-seven
(998) · Nine hundred ninety-eight
(999) · Nine hundred ninety-nine
(  ) · No Entry
(00) · None
(01) · One
(02) · Two
(03) · Three
(04) · Four
(05) · Five
(06) · Six
(07) · Seven
(08) · Eight
(09) · Nine
(10) · Ten
(11) · Eleven
(12) · Twelve
(13) · Thirteen
(14) · Fourteen
(15) · Fifteen
(16) · Sixteen
(17) · Seventeen
(18) · Eighteen
(19) · Nineteen
(20) · Twenty
(21) · Twenty-one
(22) · Twenty-two
(23) · Twenty-three
(24) · Twenty-four
(25) · Twenty-five
(27) · Twenty-seven
(28) · Twenty-eight
(29) · Twenty-nine
(31) · Thirty-one
(34) · Thirty-four
(36) · Thirty-six
Code list is not available
(  ) · No Entry
(01) · Bad service
(02) · Comm emer care cust ccdhs
(03) · Comm emer care cust other
(04) · Commited ODYS temporary
(05) · Continued for disposition
(06) · Continued for hearing
(07) · Continued indefinitely
(08) · Continued, parents to appear
(09) · Continued for testing
(10) · Continued for trial
(11) · Docket adjustment
(12) · Hearing advanced
(13) · Heard and submitted
(14) · OYC hold
(15) · YDC hold
(16) · Placement planning
(17) · Request of attorney
(18) · Request - county prosecutor
(19) · Request of court
(1A) · Disposition not available
(1B) · Tcc ccdhs - review
(1C) · Tcc other agency - review
(1D) · Reqest for early release denied
(1E) · Request for early release granted
(1F) · Request-order of apprehension
(1G) · Referred to court vol program
(1H) · Par-ch-rel-established
(1K) · Default judge-hearing
(1L) · Improper address
(1M) · Ch-par-rel not established
(1P) · Ch cont in plac fin det
(1R) · Ch cont at YDC fin det
(1X) · Intensive prob review
(1Z) · Early release dn without hearing
(20) · Request of subject
(21) · Request of witness
(22) · Stayed commitment ODYS
(23) · Stayed commitment YDC
(24) · Subject denies
(25) · Subject failed to appear
(26) · Subject wants attorney
(27) · Witness failed to appear
(28) · Adjudged father
(29) · Adjudged not to be father
(2A) · Stat deduction ordered
(2B) · In home treatment program
(2R) · Restitution ordered
(2X) · Intensive probation
(2Z) · Early release granted without hearing
(30) · Adjusted
(31) · Application denied
(32) · Application dismissed
(33) · Application granted
(34) · Comm sup of parent[s]
(35) · Committed ODYS
(36) · Comm permanent care - cus ccdhs
(37) · Comm permanent care - custody other
(38) · Comm temporary care - custody ccdhs
(39) · Comm temporary care - custody other
(3A) · Cost
(3B) · VAC hearing held
(3C) · Costs waived
(3D) · VAC
(3E) · Mediation agreement
(40) · Committed YDC
(41) · Complaint dismissed
(42) · Complaint nollied
(43) · Complaint withdrawn
(44) · Compromise agreement
(45) · Consent denied
(46) · Consent granted
(47) · Continued probation
(48) · Continued supervision
(49) · Fined
(4A) · Map successful
(4B) · Map unsuccessful
(4C) · Dismissed - Operation of law
(50) · Guilty
(51) · License restricted
(52) · License revoked
(53) · License suspended
(54) · Made official
(55) · Motion granted
(56) · Motion withdrawn
(57) · Motion denied
(58) · Not to operate or apply
(59) · ODYS com - suspended prob
(5A) · DHS temporary custody, review 6 mths
(5B) · DHS temporary custody, review 12 mths
(60) · Pay support
(61) · Placement other agency- parent[s]
(62) · Placement private school
(63) · Probation
(64) · Probation - no supervision
(65) · Probation terminated
(66) · Refer to other case - disp
(67) · Referred to community program
(68) · Referred to counseling
(69) · Returned to placement
(6A) · Model alternative program
(6C) · Refer to other case
(70) · Returned ODYS
(71) · Returned YDC
(72) · Sentence suspended
(73) · Support modified
(74) · Suspended fine
(75) · Transferred to criminal court
(76) · Transferred to other court
(77) · Unofficial probation
(78) · Warned - lectured
(79) · YDC commit susp - prob
(7A) · Procedings stayed - military
(7B) · Boot camp
(7C) · Community corrections - nonresidential
(7D) · Wrap - Parmadale
(7E) · Wrap - Berea
(7F) · Sister to Sister
(7H) · Abraxis
(7I) · ODYS suspended - substance abuse program placement
(80) · Other
(81) · Heard with official case
(82) · Referred to court worker
(83) · Custody terminated ccdhs
(84) · Custody terminated other
(85) · Probation rev later date
(86) · Ch com YDC fin to be det
(87) · Ch com to plac fin det
(88) · Previous order cont in effect
(89) · Uno prob review later date
(8F) · Boot camp early release
(8G) · Community corrections early release
(8H) · Wrap - Parmadale early release
(8I) · Wrap - Berea early release
(8J) · Sister to Sister early release
(8K) · Mentoring early release
(8L) · Abraxas early release
(8M) · Mandatory bindover
(8N) · Discretionary bindover
(90) · Uno sup review later date
(91) · Uno sup adjusted
(92) · Cause abated by death
(93) · Unof prob no supervision
(94) · Ccdhs to supervise
(95) · Courtesy - supervision
(96) · N traffic sty ins
(97) · Cont present term ct
(98) · Sup pro to supervise
(99) · Ref to court diversion
(9A) · Custody to parent / relative / other
(9N) · Protective supervision
(01 ) · Bad service
(02 ) · Comm emer care cust ccdhs
(03 ) · Comm emer care cust other
(04 ) · Commited ODYS temporary
(05 ) · Continued for disposition
(06 ) · Continued for hearing
(07 ) · Continued indefinitely
(08 ) · Continued, parents to appear
(09 ) · Continued for testing
(10 ) · Continued for trial
(11 ) · Docket adjustment
(12 ) · Hearing advanced
(13 ) · Heard and submitted
(14 ) · OYC hold
(15 ) · YDC hold
(16 ) · Placement planning
(17 ) · Request of attorney
(18 ) · Request - county prosecutor
(19 ) · Request of court
(1A ) · Disposition not available
(1B ) · Tcc ccdhs - review
(1C ) · Tcc other agency - review
(1D ) · Reqest for early release denied
(1E ) · Request for early release granted
(1F ) · Request-order of apprehension
(1G ) · Referred to court vol program
(1H ) · Par-ch-rel-established
(1K ) · Default judge-hearing
(1L ) · Improper address
(1M ) · Ch-par-rel not established
(1P ) · Ch cont in plac fin det
(1R ) · Ch cont at YDC fin det
(1X ) · Intensive prob review
(1Z ) · Early release dn without hearing
(20 ) · Request of subject
(21 ) · Request of witness
(22 ) · Stayed commitment ODYS
(23 ) · Stayed commitment YDC
(24 ) · Subject denies
(25 ) · Subject failed to appear
(26 ) · Subject wants attorney
(27 ) · Witness failed to appear
(28 ) · Adjudged father
(29 ) · Adjudged not to be father
(2A ) · Stat deduction ordered
(2B ) · In home treatment program
(2R ) · Restitution ordered
(2X ) · Intensive probation
(2Z ) · Early release granted without hearing
(30 ) · Adjusted
(31 ) · Application denied
(32 ) · Application dismissed
(33 ) · Application granted
(34 ) · Comm sup of parent[s]
(35 ) · Committed ODYS
(36 ) · Comm permanent care - cus ccdhs
(37 ) · Comm permanent care - custody other
(38 ) · Comm temporary care - custody ccdhs
(39 ) · Comm temporary care - custody other
(3A ) · Cost
(3B ) · VAC hearing held
(3C ) · Costs waived
(3D ) · VAC
(3E ) · Mediation agreement
(40 ) · Committed YDC
(41 ) · Complaint dismissed
(42 ) · Complaint nollied
(43 ) · Complaint withdrawn
(44 ) · Compromise agreement
(45 ) · Consent denied
(46 ) · Consent granted
(47 ) · Continued probation
(48 ) · Continued supervision
(49 ) · Fined
(4A ) · Map successful
(4B ) · Map unsuccessful
(4C ) · Dismissed - Operation of law
(50 ) · Guilty
(51 ) · License restricted
(52 ) · License revoked
(53 ) · License suspended
(54 ) · Made official
(55 ) · Motion granted
(56 ) · Motion withdrawn
(57 ) · Motion denied
(58 ) · Not to operate or apply
(59 ) · ODYS com - suspended prob
(5A ) · DHS temporary custody, review 6 mths
(5B ) · DHS temporary custody, review 12 mths
(60 ) · Pay support
(61 ) · Placement other agency- parent[s]
(62 ) · Placement private school
(63 ) · Probation
(64 ) · Probation - no supervision
(65 ) · Probation terminated
(66 ) · Refer to other case - disp
(67 ) · Referred to community program
(68 ) · Referred to counseling
(69 ) · Returned to placement
(6A ) · Model alternative program
(6C ) · Refer to other case
(70 ) · Returned ODYS
(71 ) · Returned YDC
(72 ) · Sentence suspended
(73 ) · Support modified
(74 ) · Suspended fine
(75 ) · Transferred to criminal court
(76 ) · Transferred to other court
(77 ) · Unofficial probation
(78 ) · Warned - lectured
(79 ) · YDC commit susp - prob
(7A ) · Procedings stayed - military
(7B ) · Boot camp
(7C ) · Community corrections - nonresidential
(7D ) · Wrap - Parmadale
(7E ) · Wrap - Berea
(7F ) · Sister to Sister
(7H ) · Abraxis
(7I ) · ODYS suspended - substance abuse program placement
(80 ) · Other
(81 ) · Heard with official case
(82 ) · Referred to court worker
(83 ) · Custody terminated ccdhs
(84 ) · Custody terminated other
(85 ) · Probation rev later date
(86 ) · Ch com YDC fin to be det
(87 ) · Ch com to plac fin det
(88 ) · Previous order cont in effect
(89 ) · Uno prob review later date
(8F ) · Boot camp early release
(8G ) · Community corrections early release
(8H ) · Wrap - Parmadale early release
(8I ) · Wrap - Berea early release
(8J ) · Sister to Sister early release
(8K ) · Mentoring early release
(8L ) · Abraxas early release
(8M ) · Mandatory bindover
(8N ) · Discretionary bindover
(90 ) · Uno sup review later date
(91 ) · Uno sup adjusted
(92 ) · Cause abated by death
(93 ) · Unof prob no supervision
(94 ) · Ccdhs to supervise
(95 ) · Courtesy - supervision
(96 ) · N traffic sty ins
(97 ) · Cont present term ct
(98 ) · Sup pro to supervise
(99 ) · Ref to court diversion
(9A ) · Custody to parent / relative / other
(9N ) · Protective supervision
(ACA) · Accepted for court action
(ACS) · Assign courtesy sup
(CDP) · Court diversion project
(CMH) · Mediation hearing
(CUP) · Court unruly project [previously PUP]
(DNA) · Disposition unavailable
(DOI) · Disposed of at intake
(DUP) · Duplicate filing
(DYS) · Youth services worker - some supervision
(IHA) · Intake hearing adjusted
(IHR) · Intake hearing referred
(IMR) · Intake mediation resolved
(IMU) · Intake mediation unresolved
(INC) · Incomplete information
(ITC) · Intake conference
(LET) · Handled by correspondence
(MAP) · Model alt program
(PPA) · $D case, PA
(PUP) · Pilot unruly project
(RBE) · Referred to board of education
(RCM) · Referred to court mediation
(RCP) · Referred to cty pros
(RCW) · Referred to court worker
(RDA) · Referred to YDC div proj
(RDR) · Sup-order issued ddr
(RDS) · Referred to diversion svc
(ROC) · Referred to other courts
(ROS) · Referred to other services
(RPA) · Su addr incorrect-outdate
(RPD) · Referred to police department
(RPE) · Su currently unemployed
(RPJ) · Su outside jurisdiction of court
(RPM) · Compl currently married
(RPO) · Sup order prev-by court
(RPP) · Divorce act pending-ddr
(RPS) · Su prov-adequate sup
(RPV) · Uno sup-arrng-by ccwd
(RPX) · Other dispo inq, cp or ct
(RSA) · Referred to social agency
(RSS) · Refused social services
(1981) · 1981
(1982) · 1982
(1983) · 1983
(1984) · 1984
(1985) · 1985
(1986) · 1986
(1987) · 1987
(1988) · 1988
(1989) · 1989
(1990) · 1990
(1991) · 1991
(1992) · 1992
(1993) · 1993
(1994) · 1994
(1995) · 1995
(1996) · 1996
(1997) · 1997
(1998) · 1998
(1999) · 1999
(2000) · 2000
(01) · January
(02) · February
(03) · March
(04) · April
(05) · May
(06) · June
(07) · July
(08) · August
(09) · September
(10) · October
(11) · November
(12) · December
(01) · First
(02) · Second
(03) · Third
(04) · Fourth
(05) · Fifth
(06) · Sixth
(07) · Seventh
(08) · Eighth
(09) · Ninth
(10) · Tenth
(11) · Eleventh
(12) · Twelfth
(13) · Thirteenth
(14) · Fourteenth
(15) · Fifteenth
(16) · Sixteenth
(17) · Seventeenth
(18) · Eighteenth
(19) · Nineteenth
(20) · Twentieth
(21) · Twenty-first
(22) · Twenty-second
(23) · Twenty-third
(24) · Twenty-fourth
(25) · Twenty-fifth
(26) · Twenty-sixth
(27) · Twenty-seventh
(28) · Twenty-eighth
(29) · Twenty-ninth
(30) · Thirtieth
(31) · Thirty-first